Over Tow Rating – Safety or Transmission Issue

Jud Hamblett

Nov 16, 2002
I am towing 3,000 pounds of boat and trailer (with brakes) with a 1996 Dodge Caravan 3.3 liter engine/3 speed automatic and a 3,500 lb equalizer hitch. <br /><br /> The rating for this car with my engine and transmission package is 1,000lbs. With the SAME engine AND the “tow” package, the tow rating jumps to 3,500 pounds. Question – Is towing 3,000 pounds just a transmission/cooling issue or a safety one?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Over Tow Rating – Safety or Transmission Issue

Generally, tow ratings are set by the chassis strength, brakes, gearing and transmission. They are then adjusted down, if necessary, to deal with design limits on the electrical and cooling systems.<br /><br />You are risking vehicle failure in several areas by exceeding the design limits.<br /><br />You are risking your life and the lives of others on the road should the failure occur in the braking or stability of the vehicle.<br /><br />The tow package probably includes heavy duty brakes, cooling, alternator and shocks, plus low ratio gearing to spare the drive train and a tranny cooler.<br /><br />Let me know when and where you are going so i wont be around. :)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 28, 2003
Re: Over Tow Rating – Safety or Transmission Issue

Take my advice on this one, don't tow ANYTHING with your 96' Caravan. I have the same vehicle(Grand Caravan)and just purchased a 16' Silverline that weighs with trailer maybe 1200 lbs. and I won't tow that with my van. I went out and bought another vehicle. Reason being, and you can find many sites that list this, is that the trans. in that van SUCK! I don't just mean SUCK, I mean they really SUCK!!! If you think I'm just overemphasizing this, go right ahead and tow with your van. You'll be buying another trans. for it and that one will go out as well. I have close friends who are techs for Chrysler/Dodge/Plymouth and they advise that it is an internal design flaw with a particular part, the name escapes me right now. You are looking at around 1700-2200 for another trans. Just take that money and get yourself a cheap 4X4. We love our van, but that transmission doesn't belong on a moped. There is some group out in CA that is looking to make this very issue a class action against Chrysler because they are very aware of the crap they put in these vans. Just my two cents. Anyone else here have knowledge of this issue?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 28, 2003
Re: Over Tow Rating – Safety or Transmission Issue

By the way, my wife bought this thing before we were married. I wouldn't have touched it with an any foot pole if I was on the decision team to buy.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 29, 2003
Re: Over Tow Rating – Safety or Transmission Issue

With this set-up both are an issue!<br /><br />Want your tramsmission to live, quit the towing, and have the transmision flushed and install synthetic trans fluid! IE: Amsoil, redline, etc.<br />Those transmissions are not even adaquate for pulling the van around by itself let alone even pulling as much as a tent trailer!!<br /><br />Myself, Is sell it and buy something like an astro van!<br /><br />Hasbeen


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 25, 2003
Re: Over Tow Rating – Safety or Transmission Issue

I make my living as a profesional auto mechanic and I totally sgree the trans. on the van sucks. If you get 100,000 out of it you are **** lucky.<br /><br /> On to your question towing over the limit is just dumb. I do not care what it is your towing, or towing with, it is dumb and dangerous.<br /><br /> Towing packages normally (can) include: larger tires, heaver springs, shocks and sway bars, larger brakes, larger radiator, trans cooler (possiably a different trans), gearring, alternator,

cobra 3.0

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 31, 2003
Re: Over Tow Rating – Safety or Transmission Issue

I have almost the same set up; a 3.3 in a 1998 Caravan. I have 135,000 kms on it and pull my 16 ft open deck boat with a 3.0 Cobra in it. I change my transmission oil once a year and make darn sure my brakes are at their peak. Do not put your Caravan in overdrive. Only use '3' on your shifter. Don't go more than 55 mph unless your going down hill. Keep a good distance from the car in front of you. Accelerate like you are stepping on an egg. It can pull it, but you need to work with the limitations of the vehicle.<br /><br />I still have the original transmission. My success with it is due to frequent transmission oil and filter changes. Also, always coming to a complete stop to allow the transmission to drop into first and never gunning it off the start. I heard the transmission fails because people who do not come down to a complete stop are still in second gear and then they gun it to take off from an "almost" stop. The transmission breaks because it has to drop down into first gear and take the stress of a racing engine.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 29, 2003
Re: Over Tow Rating – Safety or Transmission Issue

COBRA 3.0<br /><br />Im sure all the others agree, We hope we are not the ones in front of you if someone panic stops in front of us!! You do realize you will more that likly get your A*** sued off if you rearend someone and you are exceding your tow limit!<br /><br />Just a warning and youve been lucky so far!<br /><br />Hasbeen


Oct 30, 2002
Re: Over Tow Rating – Safety or Transmission Issue

Just out of intrest,<br /><br /> Why is it that no national or international standards have been set or used for towing. I mean there is no test or guide to compare against.<br /><br />There are standards for road signs , sizes of highways, weight of vechiles etc...<br /><br />The car companies quote no standard other than their own opinions (there testing seems less than adequate) and there does not seem to be a real set standard in international driving circles...<br /><br /> Just asking ...... :(


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Over Tow Rating – Safety or Transmission Issue

Intrepid.<br /><br />There are not only standards, there are laws.<br /><br />Lack of regular enforcement does not change that, but cause an accident and you will discover them.<br /><br />Unfortunately, there are natural laws against careless risk, and Mother Nature does enforce them at times.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 29, 2003
Re: Over Tow Rating – Safety or Transmission Issue

People think they are getting away with something or beating the system :D :D untill they get involved in a wreck or kill someone, then that will take the smile off there face!! There is a reason for tow ratings! There is a thing called brake fade, and when your brakes get hot you just do not have any!! :eek: :eek: :eek: <br /><br />Hasbeen

cobra 3.0

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 31, 2003
Re: Over Tow Rating – Safety or Transmission Issue

Hasbeen, I use metallic brake pads. There is no brake fade. My van stops relatively well and is rated for 3600 lbs towing capacity. I have a 5000 lb rated Chrysler hitch and a 5000lb 2" ball. Still with weight like that behind any vehicle, you need to keep a longer distance.


Oct 30, 2002
Re: Over Tow Rating – Safety or Transmission Issue

Hi Jb,<br /><br /> there may be laws ,<br /><br />but what are they based on ?<br /><br /> car manufacturers use no set published engineering standards for towing... we could all be endangering our lives using their ratings... :eek: <br /><br />because a law exists dose not mean it is a good law... :( it could be outdated or based on a no longer valid or out of date basis ie (horse cart trailer precidents)<br /><br />this whole thing should be cleared up and spelled out in detail so even I could understand it... ;) <br /><br /> a National or international clear standard set<br /><br />or else everything is ..... horse manure and were' all just lucky to survive when we tow...


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 25, 2003
Re: Over Tow Rating – Safety or Transmission Issue

Cobra 3.0 do you have the tow package on yor van???? If you do not have the tow package then your van is rated at 1000 # and NOT 3500 # (you can see for yourself on this link). http://www.rvsafety.com/towrate98.htm <br /><br />Other than that I agree with your advice on keeping (any) auto trans (esp. ones that tow) serviced and to keep good brakes on a tow vechicle, although if a person (as Jud Hamblett would be) is over limit then the best pads, rotors, fluid, ss lines, ect. will not change the fact that the brakeing system (not to mention others)is being required to work beyond what it was designed for and is not safe (in the eyes of the law, vechicle makers, DMV, general public in general).

cobra 3.0

Lieutenant Commander
Jul 31, 2003
Re: Over Tow Rating – Safety or Transmission Issue

Seaboo2. I went to my Chrysler dealer with my serial number of my Grand Caravan...I have the sport package and it includes the heavy duty suspension, etc....but not the tow package per say! I asked what the package included and was told that all I needed was an extra transmission cooler! I am going to email Chrysler direct and see what the tow package includes.<br /><br />My neighbor next door has the exact same van in the shorter version, same year(Caravan Sport 1998). He was told his has the tow package. I will also see if visually I can see any differences in brakes, extra coolers, etc. He hauls a 17ft home trailer with his.<br /> <br />I have not done any long distance hauling yet(other than one trip for 1 1/2 hour drive in hilly country which went well), just short 15 min. trips to the nearby river which we fish regularly.