Over heat alarm


Seaman Apprentice
Dec 7, 2007
Thanks for your help i got the boat running after hours of drilling that bolt out of the lower unit. here's my question: It's a 24 foot 1984 grady white with twin evinrude 1990 140 hp engines. test run it in the lake ran fine but there are two alarms under the dash and one beeps every couple of minuites. is it a oil alarm or over heat how can you tell? or is it a broken buzzer? I'm lost on this one. the times i have had over heat problems it has been a constant buzz. any help would be great


Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Over heat alarm

(VRO Horn Warnings)
(J. Reeves)

1 - A steady constant beep = Overheating - The V/6 engines, possibly some others, have a fuel restriction warning which is also a steady constant beep.

2 - A beep every 20 or 40 seconds = oil level has dropped to 1/4 tank. (Late model engine = Every 40 seconds)

3 - A beep every other second = VRO failure, air leak in oil line, oil restriction, (anything that would result in a lack of oil being supplied to the engine).

NOTE - If the warning horn is the black plastic (overpriced) three wire type horn, the warning horn should beep once when the ignition key is turned to the ON position. If it does not, it is either faulty or someone has disconnected it (a stupid move!). At any rate, if it does not beep which indicates that the horn is non functional, find out why and do not run the engine until the problem is corrected.


Seaman Apprentice
Dec 7, 2007
Re: Over heat alarm

It does beep when you turn the key and about every 40 seconds. when i bought the boat it was disconnected and i re connected it. it is the plastic type maybe i should change it just in Case? You have any recomondations? This boat was sitting for at least 3 years and i've done all the things that were suggested on this site they run great at top end but a little rough on the low end the only thing i have not done is change the spark plugs.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 21, 2007
Re: Over heat alarm

Are you saying the oil level is not low?

Joe Reeves

Supreme Mariner
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Over heat alarm

Only one warning horn beeps? On the horn that does not beep, with the key in the ON position and you can verify thata 12 volts is being applied to the purple wire terminal, ground out the terminal that the TAN wire is connected to. The horn should beep steady. If it does not, replace the horn.

The above is assuming that the horn is a black plastic three wire horn with a built in black ground wire that is actually grounded.

Let us know what you find.