Outboards in or out of the water when mooring


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 3, 2012
What’s the right choice outboards in or out of the water when mooring.

Salt water lots of other boats with shore power and generators as well.

Ive read left and right

algae barnacles etc
electrolosis erosion

I read corrosion but I’m still of the beliefs less corrosion will occur if less oxygen gets to the internals but does water drain out when sitting enough that the areas out of the water corrode or does water remain in the upper parts if left in the water

Does it change things if the boats aluminum or Fiberglass

and what about if the outboard is almost touching the water and will make contact when waves rock the boat mine are about 2 inches above the water. Read somewhere an outboard bobbing in and out of the water line is possibly worse for electolosis


Supreme Mariner
Mar 25, 2004
Most outboards have an anode on the lower part of the transom bracket. This is usually in the water at all times, to protect the outboard from galvanic corrosion.

In that case, tilt the gearcase out of the water.

If you do not have that anode, and part of the motor is still in the water, try to add an anode on a transom bolt, transom bracket, or somewhere else. Heck they even have a fish shaped anode you clip to a ground and toss into the water.

If you cannot add an anode, you want to put the gearcase into the water to submerge the anode behind the prop.

If no anode behind the prop, tilt it out of the water as much as you can.

Outboards the bob a bit into the water are better than ones that are submerged as far as corrosion goes.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Outboard motors up and out of the water

Keep up with your sacrificial anodes and don’t worry about it.

Marine growth is a far bigger enemy