Re: Outboard vs inboard weight
Other big disadvantage of inboards is that the prop is fixed and if you runaground or want to deliberately want to beach your boat you can't.<br /><br />One nice thing, like in SkiNatuque type pro boats is the engine is center mounted which helps to get the skiier up by moving all that weight forward.<br /><br />Bout 2:1 on the weight for an I/O and that weight is in a bad spot.....right on your behind where you least want it....most of the time.<br /><br />Other problem with I/O's is that you can't see the outdrive from the helm, like you can see an outboard. This is real important when trying to load onto your drive-on trailer.....when you goose it it's nice to know the engine is pointed straight ahead. Grin.<br /><br />Another problem is that you can't tell what trim position your engine is in, like for trailering, launching/loading, and beaching.<br /><br />Yeah I know they make indicators but how accruate are they and and all.<br /><br />And there are other subtle differences in corrosion, servicing, accessibility, fire, and all.<br /><br />Having had both; no way I'll have another I/O.<br /><br />HTH,<br /><br />Mark