Outboard pollution


Jan 30, 2005
I don't know if this is important to you, but I think that certain lakes (like Lake Tahoo) ban all 2 stroke carburated outboards. This might be a growing trend.


Feb 2, 2004
Re: Outboard pollution

i think decarbing an outboard should not be allowed in lakes or bays.<br /><br />but i know it is easyer to do than on the hose in the driveway and the neighbours calling the firedepartment.<br /><br />but if you love your waters you shouldnt doe that.<br /><br />reeldutch<br /><br />i love my outboard

Paul Moir

Nov 5, 2002
Re: Outboard pollution

Doesn't make much difference to me.<br /><br />There are environmentally friendlier TC-W3 oils out there. 'Course blowby is the real trouble. But then again, 2-strokes don't have the NOx emission problems that 4-strokes do.<br /><br />The problem with banning any manufactured good is that the banned one has to be disposed of and the new one has to be built. That's where a good amount pollution comes from.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Outboard pollution

To Outboard Non-repair


Petty Officer 3rd Class
May 14, 2004
Re: Outboard pollution

The "risk cup" is not significantly filled in most bodies of water by the use of any marine engine. In the case of lake Tahoe the impact of acid rain (ph change) would be a greater impact, especially during the water influx during snow melt. Pollutants (non-source point, source point, storm run-off, siltation) are far greater from other sources. I am a "modern convenience environmentalist". We have lost many benefits from modern technology that have low environmental impact, due to mis-guided legislation that lacks a sound science base!!! As long as someone is manufacturing sleeves I will run a two stroke! my $0.02.


Aug 24, 2004
Re: Outboard pollution

Sounds like global warming all over again. The problem with the warming, 2 cycle pollution and the theory of evolution is just that. They are theories and have not been proven. The public gets a certain piece of information from a "study" and then it turns into gospel as soon as it hits a newspaper. Then the government has to do something about it by passing laws in a knee jerk reaction. Global warming and evolution are just theories and have never been proven and that's why they are theories instead of facts. I feel that as long as a 2 cycle engine is running good condition it does no more damage then your local power manufacturer. As far as decarbing on a lake goes, if you can find a fairly secluded place to do it then it is fine. If you do it at home what do you do different than on a lake. The air is still filled with thick smoke and the water that you used to cool the engine either goes in the ground or in a creek. People have to understand that pollution is pollution and it doesn't matter where it is. The earth has handled everything that has been done to it and always comes out the winner. It will be here. I'm not advocating any way shape or form that we abuse it but it handles things a lot better than we people do. It does not react in panic to something such as we.


Supreme Mariner
May 24, 2004
Re: Outboard pollution

The earth hasn't always been able to rebound from polluters. Love canal is a great example. The Great Lakes have been taking $hi*kicking the last 4 yrs, pollution levels there are back to where they were in the late80s early 90s. Blasting unburned hydro carbons and other chemicals from what is called gasoline into the water can't be doing any lakes any good. Too bad a fish couldn't shove a funnel down your throat and pour the exhaust water from your boat in while forcing you to breath the exhaust.


Rear Admiral
Jan 24, 2002
Re: Outboard pollution

Only 2-strokes that do NOT meet the CARB 1 star ratings, same as EPA 2006, are not allowed on Lake Tahoe. The DFI 2-strokes are permitted there. In fact, since the new technology 2-strokes emit fewer total emissions than 4-strokes, The Lake Tahoe Region patrol boats use Evinrude FICHT motors, soon to be E-TECs.<br /><br />You must be "trolling" this forum since you must not be aware that the Evinrude E-TEC emits fewer pollutants than other motors and it is also the only motor today that meets the strict European emission regulations that soon go into effect.

Triton II

Nov 23, 2004
Re: Outboard pollution

Seahorse, is there a website with information on what the CARB star system actually means?


Sep 18, 2004
Re: Outboard pollution

Long Live the 2 stroke outboard!!!!!<br /><br />This sounds a lot like the Two stroke snowmoblie issue they are having at Yellowstone!!!!<br /><br />Some of their tests gave values on motors that were running at high RPMS. But at the park you cant go over 25 mph I think. Kind of hard to rap up a motor very high at 25 mph or less...<br /><br />I have seen several of their "approved" snow coaches in the park and several of the coaches I have seen have are a 318 dodge motor with NO catalic converter and very little of the emmissions found on a standard car or truck... What gives?<br /><br />The only thing I can figure is control... If you take a coach in and out of the park how far is the average person going to go explore the park very far from the lodge?<br /><br />I agree as long as a boat motor running is operating correctly emissions are low. More could be done to save the earth by replacing old fridges and other appliances that are not energy star appliances.<br />Think about how many TV's, fridges, homes with insuffcient insulation, poor lighting, ect ect. The energy consumed in electricity waste alone is mind numbing.. <br /><br />I am concerned about the enviroment as well but I also know that there are several tree huggers that think nothing about the old subrau they drive in to get to the hills or the wilderness. I have passed on the freeeways several of them with all kinds of bumper stickers that slam everyone and everything, yet they drive older cars that are not up to 2005 emmission standards. When I passed one a few months ago the van was a 1974 chevy fullsize, and it sounded like it was running on 5 to 6 of the 8 cylinders. Of course it was loaded down with all of his stuff. This makes it very fuel effcient as well.<br /><br />I use full sythetic two stoke oil to decrease the emissions as well as the carbon build-up. Sure it costs 20.00 or more a gallon but I dont have to decarb very often and my motor doesn't smoke when I take off..<br /><br />I dont like to decarbon but every so often its a evil necessity.<br /><br />I try to be a consious as I can about keeping the lakes and rivers clean. Everytime I go out I end up picking up beer cans, discarded fishing line, trash ect. Becasue if we dont its the boaters who get thh bad rap...<br /><br />If the Goverment was concerned about the earth they would give rebates to boaters on the new E-tech motors. The E-Tech is the way to go if you have the $$<br /><br />Are only hope is support of groups who fight and lobby for our rights.<br /><br />anyway thats my .02<br /><br />Crossflow 235


Aug 24, 2004
Re: Outboard pollution

Jimmbo: As I said I don't advocate abusing it. Love Canal was abuse. I also stated that as long as an engine is in good running condition that it shouldn't be a threat. You stated "blasting unburned hydrocarbons and chemicals in the water". This to me is an engine that is not running correctly. You are always going to have emissions if you burn anything. You just try to hold them to a tolerable level. I agree with the statement of being a "modern convenience enviromentalist" from jleus. We have to take advantage of our technology and also take the responsibilty for how we use it. Your reaction is typical of the press or left coast arguments. They have to cite an extreme example of a problem and try to pass it off as typical. That is why it is tough to have a positive discussion about some issues. I'm not trying to start WWIII here just stating an opinion and supporting it with tempered reasoning.


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Outboard pollution

Just a bit of noteworthy information ... test tank water gets a lot nastier after running 2-strokes than 4-strokes. There's no contest! You can run a 4-stroke in a bucket for a day and the water will still be fairly clean. A 2-stroke will crud-up that water in 2 minutes. (DFI 2-strokes run pretty clean.)


Feb 2, 2004
Re: Outboard pollution

i know my v4 crosflows are poluters but i love those motors.<br />i defentely would considder to trade those puppys in for an e-tec but my crossflows are far from junk and will runn for manny years to come.<br />so i think to motivate people to trade these older motors in for a newer cleaner motor.<br />enviremental agencys or the goverment should buy these motors for a reasenable price and never bring them back on the water.<br />as long as my v4s run i will use them and take care of<br /><br />reeldutch


Rear Admiral
Jan 24, 2002
Re: Outboard pollution

Originally posted by reeldutch:<br /> i know my v4 crosflows are poluters but i love those motors.<br />
Your V4 is so much friendlier to the environment compared to the old old outboards. Those motors used 8:1, 16:1, and 24:1 gas oil mixes and ran in a cloud of smoke. Instead of recirculating and burning the excess oil that accumulated in the bottoms of the crankcase, those old motors had leaf valves that allowed the oil to discharge directly into the water.<br /><br />30 years from now, folks will be saying how those old 2005 motors polluted the air and water.