Outboard HP help/recommendations? (19' semi-v skiff)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 30, 2013
I just inherited an old fiberglass skiff thing, don't really know much about it. It's about 19' long and I'd say about 800 pounds, no frills whatsoever, looks just like a giant rowboat (bench seats, no electronics, no nothing). Seems to be watertight and has a transom on the back for an outboard. Looks like it has a semi-v hull.

I usually fish out in rivers or bays where the current/wind can be fairly strong. I have an 11' john boat (flat bottom) that probably weighs 100-200 pounds that I take out with a 5HP outboard and that combo seems to be pretty good. Problem is that, in most spots, the current/wind works WITH me when I'm on my way to where I want to fish and then AGAINST me when I'm on my way back. So with the 11'/5hp combo, it might take me 5 minutes to get to a good spot and then 10 or sometimes 15 minutes to get back. Some of that is probably due to the flat front of the john boat hitting the waves (which can be up to 2 feet sometimes in some bays) head on and slowing me down considerably.

I'd like to take this 19' skiff out, but I don't know what I'm looking at as far as an outboard. I have a 9.5hp, would that be enough to move this skiff out to a fishing spot and then, more importantly, get me back safely? I'm never in a hurry so while I realize it might take me a while to get out there, I also want to make sure that I get a big enough outboard that can definitely get me back against the current and fighting the wind.

So, is a 9.5hp big enough to get me out and then back against the current/wind? If not, what size should I be looking for? This boat says 60hp max, so I assume that even like a 50 or something would get me up to planing speed, which would be overkill for my purposes. Just want a nice leisurely trip out to fish and then know I can get back safely!

Any input would be very much appreciated. Thanks!!


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
The 9.5 will get you out and back if the wind is not too strong. Might be fine in heavier wind, but a 19' has a lot of hull for the wind to push on, so you don't know until you try. It'll be slow, but it should do it - like running off a kicker if you were trolling.

As a rule, you really want at least 75% of max HP, which in your case would be 45HP. That would put the boat up on plane, and give you good maneuvering power.

The 2 cylinder Evinrude/Johnson 50HP motors from the 80s and 90s were great motors. I would think that would be a fantastic option if you can locate one.

EDIT: forgot to ask, is it tiller steer or does it have a helm?


Jul 28, 2009
The 9.5 will get you there and maybe back. Depends on how strong the current and the winds are.

Our 21'er will move about 5 mph with a 7.5 kicker. The empty hull weighs about he same as your hull.

Most will say get at least 75% of the max hp is a smallest you should go.

If you are looking to just putz around then I would look for an 18 to 25 hp. That way when the wind, waves and current are up you will be able to get where you need to be with some power and speed to spare. my .02


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 30, 2013
thank you both for the replies. I will definitely look for a 30+ HP motor, might keep the other one on board as a backup.

It's going to be tiller steered for a while, because it has a helm, but nothing is hooked up or in place. Does that change things?


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
It's going to be tiller steered for a while, because it has a helm, but nothing is hooked up or in place. Does that change things?
Tiller steer will be harder to locate for a motor over (roughly) 25HP. Not impossible, but tougher. The old 50s I mentioned above are typically going to be rigged to steer from a helm.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 30, 2013
ah.... i didn't even consider that. well, that changes things! Thanks for the info, I'll plan on running a 25 or 30 or whatever the biggest one is that I can find with a tiller until I get some steering. thanks!


Supreme Mariner
Apr 26, 2002
Some times people overlook that when a 20 hp might br screaming its guts out to make a decent speed a 40 hp
running at the 20s speed would be loafing.
I've had 3 50 hp tiller motors over the years a 88 50 hp Evinrude and 2 Merc 500 (50) tiller motors not sure about the Evinrude but the 65
and 77 Mercs were add on tillers.