Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

What opinion could one have? Either use the recources that we have available to us or keep listening to the Democrats whine that GW is not doing anything to keep the gas prices down.<br /><br />The biggest joke about this is that out of the other side of their mouths, they opine that we should be paying the same amount as the Europeans and all of our overtaxed Commonwealth Cousins. The only difference is that they want the difference in the government coffers (which of course they hope to control again some day) so that they can make more people dependant on them. :mad:


Chief Petty Officer
Sep 29, 2004
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

The house passed a bill today to allow construction of new refineries (a first since the 70s). Listening to the way Dems and Tree Huggers are already wetting their pants, I can't wait for the drilling and ANWAR wars. The next time you get mad over the cost of filling your tank, find a democrat and slap him/her silly! :p


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

Yep, the answer to our energy problems/ gas prices is yet more give-a-ways to the energy industry. That tactic has worked so well in the past, at least for energy company stockholders.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

Originally posted by PW2:<br /> Yep, the answer to our energy problems/ gas prices is yet more give-a-ways to the energy industry. That tactic has worked so well in the past, at least for energy company stockholders.
Typical liberal response to the energy issue. Do absolutely nothing about it but make villains out of those who would try to improve our lot.<br /><br />Folks! Do you not see it for what it is? I don't know if it is in the genes or the water. It makes no sense. One can only surmise that they do not want any solution to the problem. The liberals have made it clear that they consider us evil and greedy and they want nothing more than to see us lowered to the same level as a Bangladesh or Kenya.<br /><br />Hey, by the way PW, just in case you haven't noticed. Our whole way of life has been provided by those greedy corporations. Virtually every life enhancing technology has been brought to the market place by someone or entity that has profited from it.<br /><br />My only hope is the the Good Lord will remove the haze of guilt and lack of hope that you people must endure to keep coming forward with this kind of ideology.<br /><br />...but wait! Maybe it is aready happening. Aren't liberals suffering bigtime repudiation of their ideas in this evil market place???

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

Building more refineries is a good answer....It will build our capacity, even if we don't need it today...I don't see that as being a bad thing..... When a natural disaster like Katrina or what ever else, (and it will) comes along, it would be smart to be prepared, so the nation will not be so affected as a whole...Frankly I think that the time to take action on this is way overdue.....JK


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

The link above has nothing to do with refineries.<br /><br />It only has to do with where you think they should allow the drilling of new oil wells. There are many areas where they think oil is at, but the government hasnt allowed them to drill.<br /><br />The lease process isnt free, they are leases, that are won via sealed bids. The money goes to the US government.<br /><br />Also, the lease doesnt guanrantee any oil, it just allows you to drill. No oil, tough luck.<br /><br />Ken

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

O.K. .....Drill for oil, and build more refineries to refine the oil, if America can reduce it's oil dependence, it will stop our endless supply of cash leaving this country. Or help, anyway...Drill like there is no tomorrow, why wait?.....JK


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

Originally posted by J.kopec:<br /> O.K. .....Drill for oil, and build more refineries to refine the oil, if America can reduce it's oil dependence, it will stop our endless supply of cash leaving this country. Or help, anyway...Drill like there is no tomorrow, why wait?.....JK
Yeah but JK, 'drilling in Anwar will only give us 5 years worth of oil, so why bother????' :rolleyes: ...'and and building new refineries will only line the pockets of Big Oil.'<br /><br />A bunch of abject i****ts!


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

How about just a little something somewhere to attempt to reduce demand? Or alternate energy sources.<br /><br />If you think any amount of new drilling will do anything to reduce our foreign dependence on oil, (and provide financing to our enemies), you are delusional.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

Originally posted by PW2:<br /> How about just a little something somewhere to attempt to reduce demand? Or alternate energy sources.
Sure PW, let's do that. Maybe your Aunt SAMantha could raise taxes a bunch to encourage us to do so? Will you liberals whine then when the price of gasoline skyrockets again as a result? Or will it be hunky dory then because greedy big oil won't be getting it.<br /><br />Then, after that, the EPA can dream up another 40 designer grades of gasoline to further clog the refinery output. Soon enough we would be forced into mass transit or back to the horse and buggy and the Libs would have us right where they want us.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

That's brilliant, Boom.<br /><br />Faced with depletion of a finite, non-renewable resource, the conservative plan is to speed up using it up at all costs as fast as we can, and let future generations worry about what to do next.<br /><br />That sounds like just what I would expect from the right!


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

We already are looking for alternatives.<br /><br />Actually if we went to nuclear, and use bio-diesel, that would free up many fossil fuels.<br /><br />But my orginal post wasnt really about drilling more wells, it was about drilling new wells in differnet locations. If we spread out the wells, there will be less of an impact when a storm comes in.<br /><br />Ken


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 29, 2003
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

There are facts that indicate that crude oil is indeed a renewable resource:<br /> web page <br /><br />Have a nice day :)


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

PW2, still haven't heard ANY alternatives from you. Lets have them.<br />But skip the one about a tax on all energy that goes in the gov't coffers.<br /><br />Personally, I like the space ribbon elevator, to the space solar power station, and the helium3 recovery from the moon so we can have clean reactors here on earth.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

ok<br /><br />1. Develop nuclear energy, including small designer nuke plants.<br /><br />2. Increase Govt/industry funding of hydrogen cell technology, with the goal of achieving widespread acceptance/use (and potentially exportable) within 25 years.<br /><br />3. Additional Fuel tax of 10 cents per gallon earmarked to mass/rapid transit, to make affordable, convenient mass transit available in all major metro markets.<br /><br />That would make a whole lot more sense than drilling off the California and Fla coast, burning coal, building new refineries that aren't needed, and also help reduce greenhouse emissions.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

1. Nukes is a great idea.<br /><br />2. Fuel cell still requires the use of fossil fuels<br /><br />3. Mass transit is a good idea, but doesnt fit into many people's lifestyles.<br /><br />My ideas:<br /><br />1) diesel should be replaced with a blend of diesel and bio-diesel.<br /><br />2) Nuclear power for electricity<br /><br />3) Use natural gas for commuter cars.<br /><br />Ken


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

If stopping Microsoft from monopolising the computer field is a good idea, how come not breaking up the largest oil company is a good idea.<br /><br />I am a liberal I guess, I am for more drilling but do not subsidize the oil companies, they are making tons and it is not in their interest to produce lower priced fuel.<br /><br />Forget your anger and address the question "Should I spend more money to make less." If you would then you are correct ing subsidizing the oil industry. Oh yeah and you are either lying or stupid as well.


Apr 24, 2005
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

Good job Ken, or should I say well trolled. Finally a little something with meat on it. Heck you are getting more like me each day. Maybe you have a chance after all. LMAO great thread tho.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Opportunity to voice opinion to government regarding future drilling

I am for:<br /><br />1) Nukes for power gen<br /><br />2) Increased drilling and refineries. I (China and India are going to use any foreign oil we don't AND they are going to cause price increases, so efficiency will improve, but we must put more of our future in our own hands)<br /><br />3) Nat gas for all high fuel use vehcile applications (commuter vans, taxis, police, busses, trucks) saves oil for passenger cars and BOATS!!!<br /><br />There is a remote possibility that Hydrogen will be harnessed for vehicles. The first production will come from natural gas. "I know, lets take a perfectly good fuel, spend some energy and money into making a less perefectly good fuel, then we'll use it in our cars." Higher pressure storage is required and it is WAY MORE flammable. Can anyone say Hindenburg? :eek: <br /><br />Oh yeah, we'll make it from water . . . Where is it gonna be stored? Where are the stations?<br /><br />So that I am not branded as negative, let me share with you the difficulties of getting Natural Gas into the vehicle market, which has been my sole job for the last 10 years. Stations for commercial use cost between $300,000 and $5M. For any fleet of decent size bet on $1M +. The tanks etc for these vehicles cost about $3500 each, trucks need 4 or more. These tanks are setup for 3600 psi. They are talking 10,000 psi for Hydrogen. Remember these natural gas difficulties are for a fuel that is in pipelines covering this entire country and most of the planet, and it has still been over 20 years that people have been working very hard to get it going. So . . . how long do you think it's going to take when we still need inventions, 10,000 psi compressor stations AND a base infrastructure?<br /><br />Hydrogen: the fuel of the future and it always will be . . .