Re: Oooops ! - Broken water cover bolt
Just reporting back - Thanks to the advice from jimd I managed to extract the broken EZ-out. <br /><br />For reference this was a real difficult job, you don't want to go there, but if you do this is how I did it :<br /><br />I used a 1.5mm COBALT drill to make a couple of holes in what was left of the bolt itself.<br /><br />Then I used a thin (~2mm) solid carbide milling cutter from Dremel in a Dremel(lookalike) drill. Make sure you go at least 20,000rpm. These are expensive and tend to slip in the chuck. <br /><br />Work slowly - it took me a good two hours to finally remove the broken bolt and EZ-out.<br /><br />I then used a standard electric drill with an attachment from a company called Wolfcraft which endsures that the drill goes in exactly vertical and drilled a tapping hole and inserted an 8mm heli-coil to replace the 1/4"UNC bolt I broke.<br /><br />It was necessary to go up to such a large bolt because of the damage to the original thread hole. Fortunately an M8 bolt will just go through the cover plate holes. HOWEVER, this give you no tolerance at all in the plate fitting, so if you have made the new threads at all off centre from the original ones, you will need to SLIGHTLY enlarge the cover plate holes.<br /><br />I haven't actually started it again yet (waiting for a new gasket), but I don't expect problems. However, as I said earlier, this incident nearly cost me the motor. So my advice would be to only remove the water jacket cover plate if you absolutely have to and then to expect to helicoil at least some of the bolts. DON'T BOTHER TRYING TO GET THEM OUT WITH AN EXTRACTOR.