Onboard Charger Installation


Jan 10, 2007
Hi Guys, new to site and well impressed on the standard of posts.

So Santa got me a nice new Guest 2-bank (5/5) charger this year and I've been reading the mounting instructions - strange I know but I thought I had better do this as power is involved.

The instructions state an 8" clearance all round and not to mount on carpet. well, my Princecraft battery bay is carpeted inside and with 2 big Trojans there's not much room left. I was thinking of mounting the charger on Aluminum sheat for heat transfer and maybe removing the carpet from the rear of the bay. My battery bay is under the passenger consul. does this sound okay???
May 16, 2003
Re: Onboard Charger Installation


Just installed a Cabelas on-board charger that sounds like it has roughly the same directions as yours. Like you, I interpreted the "do not mount on carpet" to mean that the unit needs to have airflow for heat sink purposes.

My battery box isn't carpeted inside so I didn't have to deal with that issue. Your plan sounds reasonable though.

I did have the same issue of the battery box being taken up mostly by battery. Due to the location and construction of my battery box (I can leave the access door open during charging), I surmised that there would be sufficient airflow, even though I didn't meet the technical specs for an 8" clearance. Your battery box is obviously of different construction and I guess it would depend on how good the airflow is.

Not much of an answer, but it's the best I can do without photos of your battery box.



Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Onboard Charger Installation

No need to remove carpet or use an aluminum plate. Go to the hardware dept and find the row of drawers that contain the unusual nuts, bolts, screws, spacers, pins, etc. Plastic spacers are available in various lengths. Get four of them, each about 3/4 or 1 inch long. Use the spacers to space the back of the charger away from the carpet. The gap allows air flow. When the charger is on I leave the battery hatch open a bit to avoid collection of any battery gassing should that occur. You can do that by simply turning the latch to its closed position before lowering the cover. It allows the hatch to remain open about an inch or so.