Omc Stern Drive Will Not Tilt Up


Jul 25, 2004
Last year my Dad and I replaced the floor in our 1977 Starcraft SuperSport 18. It is a long story but basically what happened was the boat was parked for three years unattended with the drain hole plug in at the bottom of the transom and after several snow falls and rains the hull collected with water and the tilt motor got full of water and corroded. So simple enough, it isn't the first time the tilt and/or trim motors have corroded and stopped working so it wasn't the first time we have removed and rebuilt or replaced. The problem is when we put the tilt motor back into the boat the leg (or whatever the pros call it, thing with prop attached too) fails to lift up when the motor is engaged. We get the solenoid clicking and occassionally the motor will spin but there is a not so great grinding coming from the rear (again I don't know the exact names) where a worm gear comes through and is attached to a shaft from the tilt motor. The worm gear is grinding on a brass gear in another casing right below where the worm gear comes out. This brass gear is slid in on top of some type of clutch system in that same casing. Now I don't know why first of all the worm gear is grinding, obvisously it isn't meshing to well, but both gears, (Worm and brass) look like they are in good shape. Plus, the leg can be lefted by hand even when all gears and the tilt motor are put in place. One of my questions is what is the purpose of this clutch system, it is composed of about 10 or so discs that compress together. When we took them out they had oil on them. I know that casing is full of oil but doesn't a clutch with oil on it slip? However, there is something obviosuly wrong with the way we have put this whole tilt system back together that is causing the worm gear and brass gear is grind together, and then eventually they jam (which isn't good for them). And also, could sometihng have happened to this clutch system.. say like does it have to be compressed with some type of tool so it doesn't slip or something.. We have no idea what's wrong but really don't want to take to a dealer, partly because we don't have one in town since OMC went under and a repair shop is questionable as they will milk this problem for all it's worth and charge alot of money I will guess. Someone, please give me some tips on what is wrong and something I can do to fix it. <br /><br />Also, could someone tell me the displacemnt of my inboard GM 4 cylinder engine. It says it has 140 horsepower. Is it the 2.5L? Anyway, thanks for any tips or help leading to fixing my tilt problem<br /><br />- Jeff


Jul 25, 2004
Re: Omc Stern Drive Will Not Tilt Up

Could someone please help. I know it is a bit more reading then everyone else but I want to make sure and try to explain what the problem is. I think I should add the battery is fully charged, the motor works when not connected to the worm gear shaft. I don't know what else information you would need... Please anything would be helpful<br /><br />- Jeff
Jul 12, 2004
Re: Omc Stern Drive Will Not Tilt Up

I have what seems a similar setup in my 1979 slickcraft OMC 230/800. I am also having problems with my tilt. I am now rebuilding the motor.<br />If you have noise comming out of the gears, something is seized or out of alignment. The little gizmo between the motor and the worm gear shaft is tricky to re-installl on mine. . . <br /><br />Taking the tilt gears apart is simple and easy to do. Putting them together is also easy provided you have a vise and snap ring pliers. I just re-assembled mine last night. I am now sure everything moves easily.<br /><br />In answer to your clutch question - some do use oil. Pressure between the plates creates enough drag for the gear to work - yet a sudden shock will make it slip. This is what you want in a tilt mechanism.<br /><br />Good luck.


Jul 25, 2004
Re: Omc Stern Drive Will Not Tilt Up

I have the tilt gears all removed and everything looks good. The motor is brand new. Denis, you are right, that "gizmo" between the motor and worm gear shaft is tricky to put in. The worm gear shaft is not bent, and the worm gear is put on the shaft and held in place by two pins that go thorugh the center of the worm gear shaft. Both pins are in place. As I recall, I am quite sure my problem in in the casing with the brass gear and clutch. I have had that all apart also. I first thought the problem was that clutch because the snap ring had somehow come out of place. I put the snap ring back where is belongs, but there is play on the shaft that runs through the clutch and outside to the leg where another gear meshs the leg and lifts it up and down. The shaft is solid inside the casing. The shaft can be pushed in and out, or pulled in and out (depending on what size of the leg or casing you are on). You can only push it to where the back of the clutch hits the back of the casing and then the snap ring prevents it from being pushed right through. This play is maybe 4mm, but I don't know what that would be inchs, sorry. The brass gear turns the clutch (I think), but right now it seems the motor doesn't have enough power to either move the brass gear to turn the clutch and raing the leg, or something in in that clutch casing with the brass gear on top isn't right. As I said though, the battery is fully charged, and the tilt motor is brand new. The motor turns the worm gear but the worm gear will particually turn the brass gear then either the clutch engages and the brass gear comes out of alignment and the worm gear starts grinding, or there is to much wear on the brass gear and because of the weight of the drive leg it puts to much tension on the brass gear and starts grinding because maybe the gears aren't meshing because there is to much wear, but both gears look good to me, (sorry, kind of wordy, but don't know how else to word it to make sense). I am going to buy a manual for this stern drive, would the SeLoc MC Stern Drive 1964-1986 manual have this tilt system included? <br /><br />But It will be a few weeks before I can get a manual, so any more ideas will certainly help as my dad and I are dumb founded as to why this tilt system will not work. Thanks again for any help or tips given.<br /><br />I should mention it is a 1977 StarCraft SuperSport 18 with a 4 cylinder GM and OMC Stern Drive. The following link is a picture of what I am talking about as I have probably confused everyone as to what I'm talking about. The red arrow refers to the casing that the worm gear sits in. The green arrow shows the casing with the clutch and brass gear. Pictures of my uncle, dad and I replacing the floor can be found here: (The 1975 part is wrong as this boat was made in 1977) Anyway, thanks for any mroe help regarding my tilt problem!<br /><br />- Jeff
Jul 12, 2004
Re: Omc Stern Drive Will Not Tilt Up

Hi Jeff,<br /><br />In answer to your last post, brass gear, the clutch plates and the shaft turn as a unit. The OMC stern drive site has good pictures of the outdrive assemblies.<br /><br />My tilt seems to be working as well as yours is right now. ie not at all. <br /><br />I was tinkering with mine again tonight - no luck again. Just to recap:<br />1. Motor was tested and pronounced OK by elec. motor shop.<br />2. Motor and worm gear only in casing works OK when plugged directly to battery.<br />3. Proceeded to re-assembled everything. Motor does not turn. Something is binding somewhere.<br />4. Tomorrow I'm tearing apart again and re-assembling without the shaft. This should show me if the brass gear moves or if it is the one causing the whole thing to bind.<br /><br />I'll keep you posted.


Jul 25, 2004
Re: Omc Stern Drive Will Not Tilt Up

Alright, thanks Denis, look forward to hearing back from you.<br /><br /> - Jeff


Dec 16, 2003
Re: Omc Stern Drive Will Not Tilt Up

Jeff <br />The 2.5 is 153 inch<br />The 3.0 is 181 inch<br /><br />Do people posting here realize dealers are also responding.Jeff,your post totally turns me off as to responding to you.Questionable.MILKER.what else will you call me?Costly?<br />I run a business.<br />Do you own a business or do you work for someone? Do you have to make a profit?<br /><br />I do not have all the answers,but I have a few.<br /><br />I do try to help.If Dealers are that bad..I don't know what to say<br />DHP <br /><br />Maybe I should stop posting


Jul 25, 2004
Re: Omc Stern Drive Will Not Tilt Up

Sorry DHPMARINE, didn't mean to offend you or eanyone else by saying that. I know most dealer/shops are good companies, but I also know how the ones in my area are ran. I know most repair shops are just trying to make a decent living, but in my area there aren't to many shops that know how to fix stuff like this so they have basically no competiton and they have a tendancy to charge whatever they want.<br /><br />But by no means am I saying every shop or dealer does this, 95% of shops and dealers are good to do business with, just some I know in my area I know that they might try to charge you more then you should have to pay. <br /><br />SORRY AGAIN GUYS!! :( <br /><br />- Jeff
Jul 12, 2004
Re: Omc Stern Drive Will Not Tilt Up

HI again Jeff,<br />My tilt drive doesn't work well yet - but it now moves up and down. Remaining problem seems to be that it jams when fully down. Here is what I have found out:<br />1. The tilt gear cover was on too tight. It jams the bronze gear when fully tightened. This is my fault - I did not put in the paper gasket that was there initially. I thought I could get way with make-a-gasket.<br />2. You have to be careful when putting the bronze gear back in. It will not fit properly unless the worm gear is slipped out and back in. <br />3. The tolerances - on mine anyways - are close. Lubrication makes things turn better. I used spray on stuff so its not so messy putting thing on and off. I will clean-up on my last re-assembly.<br />4. The snap ring holding the clutch plates must be in its proper place. If not, the drive does not go up, or the gears jam again.<br />5. I think I have some electrical connections that are not quite clean enough and rob the motor of some power. This may be what prevents the motor from turning when tilt is fully up or down. Anyways, this is my next test.<br /><br />On the Dealer topic you raised. I also hate being taken advantage of. However, I also am in business - not boating, thats still a hobby - and want a reasonable price for my knowledge and expertise. I will also pay a reasonable price for someone else's expertise. I also shop around if I can to insure the asking price is reasonable locally and for my surrounding area.<br />I am always reminded of the old story about the plumber who was asked to fix an old heating boiler in an appartment building. He came in, looked around at gauges and valves for a few minutes, took out his hammer and banged a small pipe. The boiler started to work. He then handed the owner a bill for $500. The owner, happy the boiler worked, but surprised at the cost of 5-minutes' work asked for an itemized bill. The plumber said "Certainly sir" and wrote: "Time for call - 5 minutes $50. Knowing where to tap - $450."<br /><br />Good luck with your drive.


Jul 25, 2004
Re: Omc Stern Drive Will Not Tilt Up

Thanks Denis, I'm going out to the farm (where the boat is right now) in a few weeks as I'm going on vacation for a week, but I'll get back to you when I get home and tell you how everything turned out, thanks for your help.<br /><br />- Jeff


Rear Admiral
Apr 22, 2002
Re: Omc Stern Drive Will Not Tilt Up

Simple stuff first the 140 is a 3.0L 181 ci.<br />The function of the tilt clutch is for when you hit a rock with the outdrive doing 30 MPH. It let the outdrive tilt up and go over the rock instead of pulling the entire transom out. The tilt clutch should have motor oil in it not water or gear lube.<br /><br />If motor turns but has trouble lifting the outdrive make sure the outdrive pivot pins are greased up. On my unit even thou I greased the zerts once or twice a year the pivot pins were so bad the outdrive would only lift about 3 inches each time I hit the switch. I removed the two pivot pin caps and took the bushing off cleaned and greased. Put it all back together and it lifts fully in 2.5 seconds. It will go fully down with just a tap of the tilt down switch.<br /><br />I sure you both know about the 50 amp fuse on the starboard side near the starter.<br /><br />Good Luck


Jul 25, 2004
Re: Omc Stern Drive Will Not Tilt Up

Thanks to everyone that has read my post and thanks to everyone that has given me some tip and advice. I'll be looking at the boat later next week and the information given should be enough to get me started. <br /><br />Again, I'm apologize to all people I offended by my stupid comment about repair shops and dealers. I know you guys are good people and I shouldn't have said that.<br /><br />Thanks again for all the help guys!!!<br /><br />- Jeff