OMC cobra service kit


Sep 25, 2007
Changing out exhaust boot/u-joint/gimble bearing and seal. found a kit that has all whats needed for servicing but they are aftermarket parts. The OEM parts are very exspensive. does it matter if I use after market? matierial fit etc.. And also I don't have a OEM manual yet, how envolved is it to replace said items?


1988 OMC Cobra 460

Lou C

Supreme Mariner
Nov 10, 2002
Re: OMC cobra service kit

I would not try that job without a manual, it's really not a beginner level sterndrive job because if you make a mistake the consequences are serious (water in the boat, ruined drive parts). If you are changing the u-joint bellows I'd use OE if you can get it because it's a critical part and the newer style OE ones are made a little bigger inside to make it easier to re-install the drive. Not to say the aftermarket isn't or wouldn't work well, I just don't know for sure.

Gary H NC

Fleet Admiral
Dec 1, 2005
Re: OMC cobra service kit

Ebasicpower has the complete transom kits for around a hundred bucks.
I have used them with good luck.
The manual is a MUST have,you need to check engine alignment and do the shift cable adjustments when the drive is pulled.
Here is a VERY rare original new money you will spend!!
I know the seller he ships fast,If you buy it tell him Gary in NC sent you...;)
Also ask him his price on the transom service kit.


Sep 25, 2007
Re: OMC cobra service kit

Thanks Lou, good advice!
Gary, Just bought the manual from Searayman, Also left a note that U sent me. Looks lika a nice manual! Ya know its funny I also seen the transom sevice from ebasic and basicaly thats the one I was asking about. As Lou mentioned about the ujoint boot, Did u notice any defference on the fit or anything else?

Thanks again guys!

PS: I pick up my long block from the shop this friday Yahoo'

Gary H NC

Fleet Admiral
Dec 1, 2005
Re: OMC cobra service kit

The bellows from Ebasic fit just as good as OEM.The exhaust bellow will be an updated model with slits or holes in it for exhaust relief.Just install it with the holes in the 6 oclock position.
The aftermarket ujoint bellow is a little larger too.The one i bought for my Cobra went on no problem.
Use some bellows adhesive on the ujoint boot only,no need for it on the exhaust boot,Napa sells it.
Enjoy the manual! You will love it!:D

Lou C

Supreme Mariner
Nov 10, 2002
Re: OMC cobra service kit

Sounds like you're on your way. The OE manual is very good and it's pretty clear. One thing just be careful taking things apart esp if the drive was ever used in salt water. I coat all bolts in OMC gasket sealer as per the manual, it never dries and keeps salt water out of the threads. And keep in mind the drive is HEAVY, I built a stand to support it so I don't break my back taking it off. Here's a couple of pix of the stand and the other is the infamous screw on the port side of the upper gear housing, DO NOT remove it, it has a retainer plate that will fall down inside the upper housing (in a water passage) and you will have to remove the drive to get it out.


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