Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Health


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

We're going to be making some tough choices any way you look at it. Healthcare, like any other limited resource, is allocated, apportioned, rationed, call it what you will. I have an excellent health care plan, but every year it costs me a little more. I go to pharmacy, I never know if they're going to charge me $10 or $385, in which case I gotta spend days on the phone with the insurance company. I hate it I hate it I hate it, but please please don't change it!


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

Sorry Boom.<br />I just plain do not believe this story.and if it happened it was most certainly a complete freak event.You see every doctor in the world has taken the oath of Hippocrates and no doctor that I know would commit any act that is conflicting with that oath.Which your story certainly is.I lived in countries with socialized medicine and health care on the whole is better and cheaper than it is here.You can see the proof in average life expectancy or childbirth mortality in say holland or germany or israel each with their form of socialized medicine.<br />By the way,do you think that some poor hard working USA citizen father of three who lives one paycheck at a time and cannot afford health insurance would ever be allowed in the Mayo clinic??<br />Your letter writer cooked up a story and you bought it hook line and sinker.It is political manipulation and the gullible that makes america the most expensive(60%higher on average) health care nation in the world.Is it any better?Hardly.Unless of course you belong to the privileged few.<br />And Please do not give me the bleeding heart billionaire story that he invested so much in the development and testing of new drugs.Most of that is done through universities with federal grant money also known as tax money.So first you pay for the pill's development and then they make you pay through the nose to buy the end product.


Nov 11, 2005
Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

Its comming boom, I dont wont it any more than you, but with the cost of ins. and meds when president Hill gets in it will happen, and what you report is what well get. When the govt takes it over they wont be able to support it either.You can only tax the willing so far then thier is no incentive for them to make money, so they will quit trying. My humble opinion.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

but how about the case of my good friend in Moyock NC, never smoked doesnt drink, he is legally blind but has always worked. last 20 years or so he has a one man service center,yamaha and tohatsu. few years back bone cancer snapped him up. his wife works and her insurance has helped as has medicare.<br /> with the current admins recent "upgrades" he has been partially dropped. now his bills are out of control. either he coughs up the other 4K a month or he dies. its that simple.<br />so now he has consulted an attorney and it looks like he is going to divorce his wife of 27 years and divest himself of all assets so he can reapply for his meds, its either that or lose his house property and shop.<br /> is that how we want american medicine to work? <br /> one of the meds, Thalidomide was developed in the 50's. the patent has long ago run out. the only place its made now is in brazil and it sets him back about 1500 a month.<br /> whith the weekly chemo drips he has now developed diabetes and now has to have weekly blood transfusions yet most days he goes to work.<br /> he has a daughter in college and was living the american dream, or as much as is possible today.<br /> but the "upgrades" to medicare are gonna shatter them.<br /> so I am not for a cradle to grave govt med programm but there has to be safegaurds to prevent cases like this. go to any nursing home and the story repeats over and over.<br /> the fastest way to reform all of it is to require all congress and senate and any other crook on the public dole to have to use the same system they created and dissallow any other programs.<br />unless they pay it out of pocket.


May 2, 2003
Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

I hear ya, rodbolt.<br /><br />Our own state sponsored medicare has no limitations and it saved my wifes' life without decimating our savings.<br /><br />It works.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

So the Canadian system has flaws? So what?<br /><br />Let's design a system that addresses those flaws, fixes them, and tip our hats to the Canucks to say thanks for the lesson!

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

i want what my congressman's got..<br /><br /> we coulda had it..


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

Originally posted by crab bait:<br /> i want what my congressman's got..<br /><br /> we coulda had it..
Hang in there crabby, ya still might get it with Hillary thrown in as part of the bargain. :rolleyes:

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

Re: Olympics don't come on for an hour, so time to squeeze in a troll! Nat. Hea

It would still be a step in the right direction.....Funny thing is.....Pharmaceutical companies probably make higher profits than oil companies.....Limits on law suits & payouts would help bring down costs in the private sector......JK