These tanks came with a ventless cap which I assume people would open when running motor from what I read to eleviate pressure..I was wondering if there is a vent of sorts on the manifold where the gauge and fitting is.Does not sound like it?
If it's one of the OMC plastic tanks, then, yes, it has a vent in the fuel fitting. There will be two plastic tabs that are depressed when a fuel connector is plugged in. One tab opens the fuel valve to allow gas to exit the tank, while the other tab opens a vent that allows air into the tank. I believe there is a check valve on the air side that keeps air only going one way.
I've only seen a few of those Dura tanks, but they've all had them. The pins are little tiny buggers, about the size and shape of the capital letter D here.
ok- what vintage of the duratank have you seen?Only thing near where the fuel pin is there is a little opening at the back of the plastic housing next the other pin that just holds it there.I blew air into it while I had the as off and the little rubber disk on the underside fluttered.There are little holes that the air comes thru that the little orange disk covers.