Thank you for all the replies. Can I just double-check one thing? Based on your replies, it sounds like (but I could be misinterpreting here) that I should be able to rev just a little in neutral and a little less in reverse. Mine can not rev AT ALL. The throttle does not move even a millimeter in either neutral or reverse. The reason I figured this is a problem is because my boat can move backwards in reverse, but very, very slowly, and if there's even a slight breeze or current, the reverse isn't strong enough. I totally get limiting revs but it seems odd to not be able to rev at all in reverse, to the point that reverse doesn't do anything? I'm using this on a 12' aluminum dinghy, so even being able to rev a tiny amount should be enough, I would think. To give some perspective, my throttle has "start" and "shift" listed on it, and when I start it, it's in neutral at the "start" position, and I can't even get it to throttle up to the "shift" section when shifting out of neutral.
Is there any way to adjust the governor to give me just a little play in the reverse/neutral?
actually, I thought of another thing, if anyone happens to know the answer off the top of their head: my shifter seems to have two notches for "neutral." There's a forward gear, and a reverse gear, and in between, there's a neutral zone. I can feel two pretty positive notches in the neutral zone, and both seem to be neutral, so I'm not sure why there are two stops in there.
Thank you!!