Re: Ok to put a 30 HP 2-stroke on my 25 HP max boat (Grizzly 1448)?
Yes there are legal issues, you could be fined. However in the state i live in, if you have a damaged or lost capacity plate you fill out a form and like 7 $ send it in to the state they will make you a replacment plate. They put the limits of the boat by there formula not what mine came with.
Mine was faded to make reading it questionable, i photo copyed mine and sent it in to the state and told them i want a replament of this one. Instead they took the measuremtns i put on the form and worked there math.
I went from 30hp 4 people 600lbs people 850 gear+people
I now have a 75hp 5 people 750lbs people 1150 gear+people
I know it is against all good sence to bolt on a 75 hp screw on the boat, and that much weight will comprimise alot if i loaded it the way they say i can. I still run my 25hp motor with no intention of changing that. I put this info out there because if you truely like the 30 more than the 25 you might be able to get a new from from the state and it might cover the 5hp difference. IMO a 30 on a boat rated for 25 i think you will be safe from the standpoint of the boat not breakin. But you will be breakin the law.