Nice, but I'd rather have a new Ford F-750 crew cab with the catepillar Engine and a custom made truck bed all for 10's of thousands cheaper. With the money saved, I could buy gas for the next 10 years <br /><br />I guess the balding old man (who thinks he still has it) or the personal Injury Lawyer (who thinks he has it but never will) will be the first ones to buy one.<br /><br />Me, I'll stick to a truck that was designed to be a truck, not some sissy's "Look at Me" toy!<br /><br />Nav
Here's the good one. Did you read the engine specs of that excessive piece of sh**. It say's that it has a 220 horse power, 540 ft lbs of torque engine. What a joke, a standard F-350 with the 6.0 Liter turbo diesel has 325 horses, with 570 ft lbs of torque. Lets strap a chain around that thing and drag it(against it's will) down the street with a standard production F-350 ford.
Contact Navistar and ask for the real specifications on the so call Ford 6.0 powerstoke. The 7.3 that Ford rated so high was rated by Navistar in all the Applications at either 175/190/or 220 horses. So back up your 6.0 and hitch up boys and see what pulls what.