OK, I bite ...What is jug fishing?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 10, 2006
When I was a young boy I can remember being told more than once ?You ask too many questions?. I wish this forum was around back then, it might have saved some adults some grief?. or maybe not?

OK, I bite (pardon the pun) what is jug fishing? I have seen mention of it in some of the posts.

How, when, and where is this done?
I don't believe we can do it in Oregon, which explains why I am even more curious.



Jul 28, 2004
Re: OK, I bite ...What is jug fishing?

Most often use for this technique is for catfishing. You have a long small diameter nylon line(main line) with about 1 foot long leaders with bait hook tied to the main line at about 1-2 ft apart. You tie one end to a jug and the other end to something that can't be drag under so you don't loose your rig and your fish. The capped jug floats to keep the main line off of the bottom. You simply bait the hooks with something that can't be easily nibble off, wait and let the rig works. It's require by law in most state to put a piece of paper or something in the jug to identify who's the owner of the rig, usually name and address. It's illegal for someone other then the owner of the rig to mess with it such as taking the caught fish. Trot lines are similar where you tied a baited line to an overhanging limb, branch/laydown.


Seaman Apprentice
Dec 10, 2008
Re: OK, I bite ...What is jug fishing?

No, its not like snipe hunting, it is a method of fishing where you tie a short line, hook and weight onto a floating device. You bait the hook throw it over board and go set and wait until you see the float bobbing around!. You then go retrieve the thing and poof, a fish!
It is called jug fishing because one used to tie the line onto a milk jug. Since then you can get custom made devices that are made from foam and other floatable objects. Of course you can still use milk jugs to make your own.
Now you may be right to say it is not allowed in your state. be sure to check with local regs. before you try it. Also even in my state (TX) there are certain requirments to jug fishing. The jug must have the owners name address..etc
The idea is have many jugs and place multiple lines in the water at one time. Its a little more exciteing that just pole fishing if you really get into the fish. Good Luck fishing. Charlie

mars bar

Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 30, 2008
Re: OK, I bite ...What is jug fishing?

I believe You take a jug ,attach a hook,line and sinker bait it and toss it over. Some places it's illegal. I saw a show, they were using 4' lenghts of ABS pipe with a line going for alligator gar when the pole was upright a fish was present. A group of guys got caught jug fishing for walleye up north on a spot on the river. They tossed the jugs out up river and collected the fish down river. The MNR was there too. collecting all their gear, boats included.;)