Oiler wick 1965 9.5


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 20, 2008
I have a '65 Evinrude 9.5 model 9522C. I just got the flywheel off (4 days of patience and gentle persuasion). I was looking for the oiler wick on the armature plate and could not see it. Is it possible it came loose? Does this motor use a clamp to hold it in place? If so, where is it?

Also, the coils seem to have a brown rubbery coating on them. Is this a "sweaty" coil or did they used to coat them with some type of sealer?

Thanks in advance for any advice. This forum is great!


Jul 30, 2006
Re: Oiler wick 1965 9.5

Hello there. The oiler wick is attached to the oiler clip and located on an odd shaped stud under one (not both) of your coils. The clip is made of a light gauge copper metal. They are the same for 68-73 so assume they will be the same for 65.

By your discription, I would say your coils have been replaced provided the coating has no cracks in it. Sweaty would look more like blistered to me. All coils for the 9.5 are coated. Have a look at the magnito section on this linc and you will see the parts of the oiler. enjoy your motor. Rick.