I noticed that after getting off the water and storing my boat that a thick layer of black oil?? seeps out of the motor from under the cowling and all down my shaft. It's dark colored. <br /><br />I went to have it serviced recently and both of the thermostats were seized open and one closed. Apparently one side was running hot and the other cold. My compression now is 100 on the hot side, port side, and 115 on the cold side, SB side. The place I had it serviced at suggested that I needed my head gaskets replaced. <br />would that help alleviate the driping oild from under my cowling? <br />I took it on a trip and it performed fine for the 3 day trip. Should I be immediately concerned? I can take pics if need be. <br />It's a 1993 90hp Johnson v4.