Does anyone know what the warning codes are for a '93 Merc 200hp motor? My motor sounds the warning "beep beep beep..." and I am not sure if this is an indication of low oil or a larger problem.
Re: oil buzzer warning codes for '93 Mercury 200hp
My Merc 150 beeps intermittantly if the oil resevoir is low. Check the one under the cowling as well as the main tank...<br /><br />You should also have the alarms listed in your control manual.<br /><br />Kev_Alask***
Re: oil buzzer warning codes for '93 Mercury 200hp
Thanks for the help. I filled the tank with oil -- it was low -- and the upper reservoir was low as well. The upper reservoir will not fill up now that the fill reservoir is full. It is an air pressured system and it has an air lock in it. Arghh....
Re: oil buzzer warning codes for '93 Mercury 200hp
kencraft200,<br /><br />Here's how to bleed the air in the engine reservoir.<br /><br />Without the engine running, tighten the engine oil reservoir cap and then loosen 1/2 turn. Start the engine. When oil starts to flow out from under the cap, tighten it up and you should be good to go.