ohio river launch ramps by indiana ohio line


Chief Petty Officer
May 18, 2007
Friend of mine asked me yesterday if wife and I wanted to go boating the ohio river today I said that was fine I just needed to fill the boat. He said if you want we can all just take mine out he has plenty of room he just bought a 270 crownline runabout. So we ended up meating them at the launch ramp asked were we can launch down by lawrenceburg. I said I no there is a marine called tradewinds never launched there but I have drove by it and new there was some 30 plus foot boats stored down there so figured it was deep. Went ahead and launched there and started to leave the dock and noticed the epth gauge was saying 2 feet. So we went some more and still was shallow so grabed a pole and it was right very shallow. It was about a 600 foot long waterway to go through and dodge the sticks and the depth was between 2.7 and 1.6 feet deep. So I would like to find somewere else to launch that is deeper than that to shallow for my likings. I have launched at schmidt field which is nice just to far to the east side of cincinnati. Any other suggestions and feedback were else to try


Seaman Apprentice
May 5, 2010
Re: ohio river launch ramps by indiana ohio line

Not too familiar with many boat ramps on the Ohio, but, when my girlfriend and I took a ride down to Madison, IN we sat on a bench and watched a few boats being launched from the area straight in front of the main road leading into Madison, not sure what road it is but, it runs through the old Jefferson Proving Grounds. As for depth, not sure of that either but, from where we were sitting it looked like you could launch a fairly good sized boat from there. Sorry I can't be of more help.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Nov 21, 2009
Re: ohio river launch ramps by indiana ohio line

Fredrick's landing in Wilder ky, is a nice little ramp. Take I-275 to the Wilder rt9 exit
Its on the licking river, about a mile or two from Downtown.
$50 for a year pass, $10 for a day.
Check out City of Wilder web page.