Re: OEM manuals
Did you post your model number before?
The 1987 models were 754 APFTC, APSRC, BPFTC and BPSRC Yours could be an 87.
The different model numbers referred to thru-hull/thru-prop exhaust and power/manual steering.
Just because your boat is an 88 does not mean the engine/drive are. Boat manufacturers routinely use last years model eng/drives in their boats.
I just did a search using Google and found this:
They're not cheep! I paid $100 for just the OMC service manual. I also have the owners and parts manuals.
By the way I did not get mine from Marine It appears that they are providing reprints.
Your mileage may vary......
Where can I get OEM engine and outdrive repair manuals for 1988 OMC cobra 460. ???? guess I'm looking in wrong areas for OEM books!