Odd Prop Sizes?

Feb 3, 2005
So why only three blades in Odd numbers and four blades in Even numbers.<br /><br />Locally we have the "prop shop that can do lots with a prop. Add a cup? Inch in pitch they can do it. Am I looking all the wrong places for props though?<br /><br />You may have seen the post below, but here it is in a nut shell. Heres the link to boat I have on order. I am getting a 200 Yamaha HDPI as it sits now (see Merc Verado post above may go that way).<br /><br /> http://www.yamaha-motor.com/product...troke_hpdi_bss_wld-maverick201dv-z200txrd.pdf <br /><br />It does not give me a lot of info on this though. I bought the boat I have with the same dealer and he could give a crap about props. Great service and sales otherwise but seems I am the only non-bass boat guy around here to even think about wringing maximum performance out of my rig. Last time I bought it was a hassle but got to know another guy around here who let me play with props. I would up with a standard prop reworked on my present rig (inch of pitch added and a moderate cup, and he balanced it BUT it is an aluminum). I want to find a good starting point and a good starting propr to have worked. Am thinking as below that a Yammi Perf Series Prop but in a wierd size for a three blade prop. I figure I can go up or down one, ad or remove rake but don't really know what else the prop shop can do. The person I talk to does not know a lot about this stuff, but will do what ver within limits I want to the prop I drop off. Heres the link. Thinking a 14 1/4 X 20" to start with. What does all think?<br /><br /> http://www.yamaha-motor.com/accessories/acscitemdetail/8/39/280/5/1198/10386/All/1/3969/detail.aspx <br /><br />Should I be looking alsewhere at props to start with? Maybe better brands out there?


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Odd Prop Sizes?

Yamaha makes nice props, but I don't think there's nearly the variety that Merc offers and theirs fit right up. There are special Yamaha-specific hardware kits, but they're not always terribly necessary.


Jun 29, 2003
Re: Odd Prop Sizes?

Jason, what ever you decide to do, error on the side of low pitch...removing pitch in a true sense, can't be done properly without removing blades and re-welding, so usually they just twist the pitch out which in reality, just removes efficiency....higher slip rate.<br />if we error on the low side, we can add cup, in this case, we are making the prop extremely efficient, and we can control hole-shot with venting.<br />Your boat design will perform best with a moderate rake designed prop...if it says high rake,or "high lift", your hull will respond in a negative manner.<br />Best, or "good" over-all is the moderate rake you need.<br />I have 3 Yamaha SS props here, 2 V6 props and 1 for a 3 banger. I've run the Yammy's on my V6 jonny 200, and the saltwater series pulls hard, but doesn't have the lift of the pro-series.<br />The performance series you are looking at may not be a bad choice...it has much less rake than the pro, and about the same as the salt-series.<br />cheaper cost too. It also doesn't have quite as much cup as the salt or pro, hence the even numbers (typical Yamaha) and recommend 1" more pitch over the pro and salt, but 1" less if previous prop was a standard.<br />Yamaha's, just like Merc props seldom measure with a pitch gauge, the same as the number stamped.