I'm not sure what the experts will say, but I think regular unleaded gasoline would suffice nicely in your 25 & 40 hp engines. With premium gas, you'll simply be paying more for the extra anti-knock properties the higher octane gasolines possess. In your case, I don't see a lot of benefit to it.<br /><br />Walt
Hi, Bob. This has been a running debate for months. I'll give you my opinion.<br /><br />Premium fuel is bad for 2 strokes.<br /><br />Manufacturers, without exception, recommend regular, 87 octane unleaded fuel. Most also specify that you should avoid fuel with alcohol added.<br /><br />Back in the days of heavily leaded petrol, at least one brand, Amoco, offered "white" gas specifically for use in small 2 stroke engines and camping lanterns. Amoco White was about 90 octane, had no lead or boron and was marketed in some places as Marine Gas. I don't recall an outboard brand, or marine dealer that didn't recommend "white" gas for outboards.<br /><br />Red sky at night. . . . <br />JB