NS70A impeller key


Seaman Apprentice
Feb 20, 2015
The Lord has smiled upon me.JPG I am doing some maintenance on my 70 HP Nissan (1985 model). One fin of the impeller was damaged upon inspection. When I removed the pump cover to inspect the impeller I noticed the key for the impeller was worn completely out beyond recognition. Now I am in the process of trying to track one down or fabricate something that will work. Since the pin is no longer available I can't even find a pic of what the thing looks like.There is a flat place on the drive shaft that the key fits against. I am wondering if a stainless pin will work? I took a stainless steel threaded screw and ground threads off of it to make it smooth. It now sits nicely in the impeller indention but just wondering how it will work against the flat place on the drive shaft? The old worn out piece that I removed looked to be a metal rolled pin that had been used but I don't know if that was someone else's attempt at fabricating a replacement or if it resembled the original part. Any help from some nissan/tohatsu geniuses would be appreciated.
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Apr 20, 2008
I believe it was a special profile originally. Kind of a D-shape, when viewed from the end.

Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
If the original key is completely round, can fabricate one out of an SS same diam drill bit cut/shaped to size. Impeller keys are usually D shaped ones.

Happy Boating