Now i've done it.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
I was trying to get that game running and I started pushing buttons and messing with drivers and downloading stuff online....and...and...woops... what happend...everything looks funny.<br /><br />I think I messed with something I sould'nt have.<br /><br />My monitor WAS set at 256 colors....not any more.<br /><br />I can't bump up the pixels either....not good.<br /><br />I can barely read the posts on this fourm.<br /><br />Tomorrow....when my wife goes online to check out whats going on in the "big brother house" she will not be able to do so....anybody got a spare room?<br /><br />I think I've just embarked on the journy down the green mile to ride the don't mess with my wifes "big brother"....not on the last day....not after you have seen her at the computer for 4 days, like a rock, unwaveringly dedicated to watching this like her life depended on the outcome of the last vote for eviction.<br /><br />I actualy saw a bolt of lightning fly from her finger tips twoards my oldest daughter when she got a PC game and headed in the general direction of our look what I just did....I am a dead man walking.<br /><br />I'm going fishing EARLY tomorrow....H#LL, I'd better leave now....and I'm not takeing the cell phone either.<br /><br />Deadwood.<br /><br />P.S. She's going to use "hidden dragon's wife" gung fu on me....I'm sure gona miss you guys!


Oct 3, 2001
Re: Now i've done it.

If you can't select 256 colors or better, and nothing over 640x480, its likely cause you've removed the drivers for your video card. Try restarting windows, it may pick it up.....if not, let us know.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: Now i've done it.

Been there, done that, bought the tee shirt.<br /><br />I've got about 5 hours before she gets up.....HELP.<br /><br />Desperatewood.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 20, 2002
Re: Now i've done it.

DesperateWood...<br /><br />Don't tell me you guys have "Big Brother" up there in the States too...?? My wife is addicted to that show as well (except it's the Australian version). Woooow - I'd be very scared if I did what you did... :eek: <br /><br />Schematic's right - it's the screen driver - but hopefully you've still got it on your computer. You just have to select the correct driver again - in some cases this may be able to be done by auto-detect. What version of Windows are you running?


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: Now i've done it.

is your video card separate or on board? does it<br />have shared video memory? (VRAM) if shared, you<br />may need to reconfig. system. you can always pick<br />up a new video card at wallyworld for $15.<br />if you tell us which make/model card you have,<br />we may be able to send you the drivers via e-mail.<br />good luck,<br />M.Y.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Now i've done it.

START<br />SETTINGS<br />CONTROL PANEL<br />DISPLAY <br />SETTINGS (select what you want)<br />APPLY<br /><br />or<br /><br />If you have Windows ME select a restore point and restore the computer to earlier date.<br /><br />Explain to your wife that you would rather be fishing but the weather is just too prohibitive. Maybe it would be a good day for a family shopping trip to get a new computer.<br /><br />Good luck.<br /><br />Bob


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 1, 2001
Re: Now i've done it.

Oh dearwood,<br />Or is it dead meatwood?<br />If we don't hear from you today or tomorrow we all know... Let's hope for the best!<br /><br />Good luck Deran!<br /><br />These boards are great thanks to the people who will help no matter what the topic is. :)


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: Now i've done it.

Derwood, it would help if we knew what version of windows you have. My guess would Windows 98.<br /><br />Here are some tips.<br /><br />Majke sure you have your video card drivers either on the hard drive, diskette or CD-ROM. Better yet download the lastest driver for your card from thie website.<br /><br />Under the start button.<br /><br />1. Click the following Start/Control Panel/System<br />2. At the top, click Device Manager tab<br />3. Click the plus sign next to display adapters.<br />4. Click your display adapter to select it.<br />5. Click remove.<br />6. At any box that wants to confirm, say yes.<br />7. Restart. Your display adapter should be automatically detected again. It will reload the driver. If it asks if you want to use the old one, say no and point it to the copy of your new driver.<br />8. If you have the lastest driver downloaded, just install it.<br /><br />Under ME it is pretty much the same procedure. Under Win 2000 and XP, the easiest way to get to the hardware is to how down the alt key and double click the My Computer icon. There will be a hardware selection. Do the same thing. Good luck Derwood.


Apr 20, 2002
Re: Now i've done it.

Been Nice knowing you. If you can't reset the settings via the control panel (or the settings are right) and you have not screwed up the drivers then perhaps something is wrong with the video card or monitor. I had to troubleshoot and ended up borrowing a monitor to prove to myself that it was the monitor and not the card. I lost all green. I hope you get/got it fixed but if not I can set up a tent in my back yard. I bet she won't go two states away to get you.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
Re: Now i've done it.

I stayed up all night till 4:00am trying everything....I though i'd better get a little sleep so I could have some energy for all the running I was about to do.<br /><br />As you all may have guessed No alarm clock was needed.<br /><br />"HHHHEEEEEEYYYYYY, WHO'S BEEN MESSIN WITH THE *&*(^&%$$&*&*%&*^ COMPUTER?!!!!!!!"<br /><br />I knew that was my cue to get up.<br /><br />Never heard her say a couple of those words before.<br /><br />My first tactic was going to be to blame one of the kids, But when I came out of the bedroom trying to act all inocent the kids were standing there with their arms crossed looking at me like I just shot the cat, knew that could'nt be it cause the cat was sitting next to them waveing her tail in anger.<br /><br />"Where is mom?" I asked. "In the kitchen." they said. Now as a typical man I had the hope she was in there cooking breakfast.....Not a chance....Just getting ammo.<br /><br />Advice: When you've done something realy bad and you see your wife standing in the kitchen with her hands behind her back with an evil look on her face.....back up slowly....Never break eye contact. If she starts to move twoard you get ready to duck and have your escape route ready.<br /><br />If she gets you with the first shot....don't play dead....Unlike a bear she has an I.Q. and wont stop till shes tired of killing you.<br /><br />I managed to use my "Bouncing monkey" gung fu to escape the first volly, but she started to use tactics that in my opinion were cheap.<br /><br />"watch out for your fishing pole" was all I heard before the final blow. Cheap trick but efective.<br /><br />After that she was punching keys on the computer like a professinal hacker.<br /><br />It was the driver....don't know witch one....I was'nt allowed near it.<br /><br />She'd punch a few keys and give me a death look....I was'nt about to go near her.<br /><br />After an hour or so she went into compaq support (on the start pull up) and went into the quick restore and got a driver from there for the winning touch down.<br /><br />I'm not allowed to use the computer for a month without adult supervison and I had to take a blood oath not to mess with anything without her.<br /><br />Thanks guys for all your help.<br /><br />I'v gotto go dress this nasty head wound I recived and i'll be back in a few.<br /><br />Toastwood.

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: Now i've done it.

Derwood, you know what to do mate!<br />Shopping trip, no excuse. You know it's the only way to repair the damage and get out with some pride. Besides who's she gonna tell when you suggest she buy all those purrty little sexy things for the boudiour.............<br />Ross<br /><br />Oh I forgot, it wouldn't hurt if you took the kids out and gave her a quiet day on the weekend. I know it's a bit OTT but then again you got to keep your balls didn't you?


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 16, 2002
Re: Now i've done it.

deadwood,<br /> A couple of wise words for you, mind you this is coming from a 24 year single guy,day spa. Treat your lady to one, or something similiar, that she will appreciate alone, no kids or "adjective"wood, and you jusy may save save yourself years at the alter of relationship gods. This is your only hope, the relationship gods are not nearly as understanding as the fishing gods. I mean to say no sacrifice will satisfy them, unless we speak of the unmentionable sacrifice of ones manlyhood (no intention of offending anyone). In any regards, you have my sincere hopes for a peaceful, meant no fishing or computer restirctions, resolution.<br /> DaleT

Heinz CA.

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Sep 6, 2002
Re: Now i've done it.

Ewwwww...dude, how could you? Thats why we have 3 pc's at my house! Why in Gods name woould you mess with her pc? **** I used to build em and my wife "thinks" LOL, I dont know ****. I've forgotten more than she'll ever learn, BUT in my job, if you were there, YOU messed it up! Invest in another pc in the future! Good Luck and keep athletic supporter on for a few days ') Heinz :eek:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: Now i've done it.

Derwood, I am sorry. I wish I was close enough to have come over and fix your computer (although my wife says I should stay home and fix the infamous shower that has not worked for 4 years. Ok 5. Yep it is a long story, an old house, and 10 different things I have never done before. Excuses, Excuses, Excuses.)<br />Take it from me, computers are a love/hate thing. love them when they work, hate them when they don't. I was a computer service tech for years and now I run the department and some other stuff, so I am an expert on how to love/hate computers (11+ years). I can't help you with the wife, but I have heard the words your wife said. Now, I am content not to upgrade, experiment, etc on our computer. I am to the point where, I just want it to work too. Just built 2 new ones and am giving my old one to my parents to see if they like it. Good luck patching things up.


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 26, 2002
Re: Now i've done it.

D-wood -<br /><br />Heinz & Scoop have it right. Get her a PC of her own. If I were not a computer consultant (read: geek-to-the-max), then I would have 3 – one for my kid to do school work and play, one for my wife to surf and email, and one for me to trash and burn to my heart’s content. However, I am a computer consultant (read: geek-to-the-max), so I have two additional ones (besides the ones listed above) for other uses. You can get great deals on state-of-the-art computers if you watch sales and shop around. It’s coming up on Christmas, so there should be some wonderful sales out there soon. Look how much money you put into boating and fishing. The PC is cheap by comparison.<br /><br />PS: Hope you heal fast!


May 16, 2002
Re: Now i've done it.

I got the bandages BraveWood. Tell her the Tourniquet does not wrap around the neck.....


May 16, 2002
Re: Now i've done it.

PS-- Maybe the remendy you cooked up for me on my vacation will work. I still have some left overs.