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Sep 23, 2010
Thanks for closing the post. I can see the point of "not helping" but that's not really true. If no one complained of the failed upgrade iboats would happily go along thinking they did well. Obviously they did not and through the dedicated members they received feedback. As far as extensively testing, I work in the application IT industry and if my upgrade caused problems like this I would lose my job. Don't get me's not about the free forum it's about the retail business getting a bad rap for a website that isn't working. It could represent a big $$ loss. Granted, posters are bothered by this issue and one would think a problem would be corrected quickly. Fortunately we are free to say what we feel about a situation, at least until a mod closes your post. ;-)

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Fortunately we are free to say what we feel about a situation, at least until a mod closes your post

Say what?

It never ceases to make me scratch my head that the most vociferous critics of just about anything, usually have the least grasp of what is happening around them.
Your post was most likely closed because it broke at least one forum rule....arguably two.
Although I'd guess that you've probably never read the rules....or figure that they only apply to others.

Yes, you can say anything you want in these forums....until a Mod reads it. Then the rules apply. :)

(from the rules list) 9. If you have questions, concerns, suggestions or complaints about the rules, moderation, or management of this site please contact a moderator via PM or iboats management for discussion.
If you have problems, questions, feedback or suggestions about the forums or the iboats website, please post your comments HERE.

Seems to me that the mods have been wayyyyyyy more than tolerant during this upgrade....for which I doubt they are getting time-and-a-half for the overtime. :D

I would also be really curious how demonstrable a tie-in there is between forum traffic and iBoats sales. I doubt it is anywhere near the golden goose that some claim and I'd bet that while not simply a "public service", the forums are a rationalised cost rather than a demonstrated profit centre.
If the forum gets to be too much of a headache and the noise from the cheap seats gets to be to loud, it would not surprise me if they cut it loose.
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Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Before the thread gets closed ... and it should, we've beaten this dead horse ad nauseam ... I'd like to say:

There are business reasons and customer relations reasons to say that the forum change over hasn't gone well. It doesn't take a Google mathematician to realize the problematic nature of the new format. Call it a blunder, goof, error, debacle, disaster, whatever.

In business (both as consumer and as owner/operator) we've become far too impatient these days. We've left no room in our buying or our selling for people to have an error, and simultaneously love to bellow our opinion from the mountain top to insure that our displeasure is known. We've forgotten how to do real business, talk to the people we buy from as people. Work with 'em through an error and see what kind of integrity they display fixing that error. iBoats is a web based company, but there are real people behind that web interface. Real people, real goals, real projections and real programs all functioning to try to do business. In my estimation it seems to be good business. It's probably worth hanging around through the transition, and even getting used to a new format if it's better for them.

I've been running companies and divisions for nearly 20 years now, and sometimes a little patience allows you to find your biggest mistakes are your greatest achievements.

If ya' wanna' hang through this, lighten up a little. If ya' want to move on, then go. If ya' wanna' go and come back when it's fixed, try that. Bellyaching just isn't getting anything done.


Lieutenant Commander
May 5, 2008
the one thing that really surprises me is vbulletin is running many sites on the net now days. many sites I regularly visit are owned by them. their change overs are always slightly painful, but never like this. not really understanding why this one is so different.

the last site I know of that went through a change, if they hadn't mentioned it, no one would have noticed the difference. it was that seamless.

anyways. we keep checking in. sometimes it's up sometimes not, we'll wait for it to get all the bugs worked out. there are always those who don't like change at all.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Guys, we recognize the need to vent. Frankly, this is all vBulletin, and you can do some searching on that to help the understanding. Fact is our guys have been on this non-stop. They are as frustrated as all of us. If I could offer some advice, focus your wrath on vBulletin although we don't allow product bashing here.... Hmmmmmmmm. Maybe some light bashing?


Feb 18, 2009
the one thing that really surprises me is vbulletin is running many sites on the net now days. many sites I regularly visit are owned by them. their change overs are always slightly painful, but never like this. not really understanding why this one is so different.
the last site I know of that went through a change, if they hadn't mentioned it, no one would have noticed the difference. it was that seamless.
anyways. we keep checking in. sometimes it's up sometimes not, we'll wait for it to get all the bugs worked out. there are always those who don't like change at all.


greenbush future

Lieutenant Commander
Aug 28, 2009
I was so happy with the old version, I had it down!! Now like anything new, it's just different, and I have to relearn some things. The value I get far, far outweighs any inconvenience the upgrade trouble has. But Please hurry up!!

redneck joe

Supreme Mariner
Mar 18, 2009
In my world, I have a rule. Don't just b***h, give us ideas. It's easy to complain, but a solution is better. Have you offered help since this 'application IT' is your game? Maybe asking some technical questions would give you a better understanding of what the challenges actually are.

Lighten up Francis.

Lil' Bone

Mar 14, 2014
Well all I can say is sense it's free, I have no right to complain, and haven't. I know they'll get it fixed up soon enough.

Mel Taylor

Chief Petty Officer
Jun 25, 2009
............. I'd bet that while not simply a "public service", the forums are a rationalised cost rather than a demonstrated profit centre.
If the forum gets to be too much of a headache and the noise from the cheap seats gets to be to loud, it would not surprise me if they cut it loose.
​That's been my fear. I've seen it happen on other web sites. Yes, the present situation is sometimes a little frustrating but compared to the alternative of not having the iboats forums at all, I'll gladly put up with a little inconvenience and frustration for whatever time it takes to solve the present problems
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