My old Merc L-6,90HP outboard , s/n 848057, a 1978 I think. Well The New tach. does not read anything; and the new voltage meter does not increase when engine is running. Checked continuity from Tach gauge signal wire connection to rectifier. I run all the tests on rectifier for continuity and reversing leads / manual; checks okay. The stator is the 2 lead kind, yellow/red. Using a digital meter, I checked the resistance at the place where the wires come out from the stator is only 0.001 Ohmns. Shall I replace the stator?<br />My rectifier is also of the square type with three screws. Can I use a newer style ?.<br />I am looking to wet this whale this summer, and come up with this snag. Please advise.<br />Am I looking in the right place ?