Northeast ohio Bass fishing


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 24, 2008
I havent fished in nearly 11 years. The wife and I just started again and I have a decent selection of tackle I just dont think I'm finding the fish. Anybody know where to go or have a few tips to help me get a few in the boat. We usually go to Portage lakes, West Branch, Berlin, Alum creek Milton is fairly close but we havent gone yet and Salt Fork is 2 hours. I have a cheapo fish finder and no trolling motor so it is hard to work a long strech of shoreline. Any advice is much appreciated.


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Northeast ohio Bass fishing

Well I can't imagine bass fishing without a trolling motor. Bass fishing is more like a hunt, you go to the bass, they don't come to you. Study the lake map and find off shore structures that you can anchor on then fish it. If nobody is home on that structure then you move on to the next one. I don't know the lakes and your area but if it's anything like Indiana, you have got to do something different then anybody else to catch bass anymore. I think the 3 midwestern states of IN, IL, and OH have the toughest bass fishing then anywhere else in the country. The reasons, not enough water, too many bass addicts, advance electronics that can reveal any honey hole. You can't keep anything to yourself like you could 11 years ago. If you found a magic stump on a ledge out in the middle of the lake, chances are somebody else had found it too.