Brewsters Millions...sorry never seen it!<br /><br />I sent this e-mail to everyone I know. Feel free to do the same. <br />---------------------------------------<br />Sorry all I couldn't resist. <br /><br />If you agree, add your name and pass it along to everyone you know. Hope this makes it back to me with a billion names attached to it! (Hey, I can dream can't I?)<br /><br />P.S.- I generally delete these meaningless, pass it along things. But could you imagine the impact if the 'media' would pound this idea hour after hour, day after day etc...?<br /><br />2/24/04<br /><br />To our elected officials:<br /><br />Ladies and Gentlemen, as everyone knows election time is around the corner. I find myself again wondering about the validity of the process we have and I am personally SICKENED by the choices, or lack thereof, that we have. Please take 15 seconds and hear me out.<br /><br />I dont claim to know much about the political machine as we know it. As a matter of fact, I only have a high school diploma, (I suppose thats the reason for my peasantry ignorance). But I want to know one thing. Why the selection of NONE OF THE ABOVE cannot appear on every ballot? And I dont mean just on the Federal level. Im talking about elections on all levels, even down to the election of the local dogcatcher. (Ah, that is sarcasm; I know dogcatchers arent elected
DUH).<br /><br />Are you folks of royal grandeur truly above us all? Are you afraid of what the outcome would be? Are you hiding behind the power that put you there? Do you have the courage to put NONE OF THE ABOVE on EVERY ballot? Time will tell.<br /><br />Oh, I forgot one, Will you respond to this or will one of your interns?<br /><br />Sincerely,<br /><br />Dennis Hudson<br /><br />*edited for e-mail*