No spark on 1977 Johnson 175/200 V6


Jun 25, 2012
Hey all Happy Fathers Day!! Reinforced my rule of always running on a hose/muffs before hitting the lake rule. Have no spark on the Johnson. I have a service manual but most of the tests are asking me to use some Neon tester that I don't have. I was able to ohm out the sensor coils and charge coils and they are within spec. Two things I did find. I have no power to the power pack (yellow with black Pin 6 I think) and my rectifier fails testing. I removed the rectifier wires but still no fire. I ran a jumper to the power pack from the solenoid hot side and still no spark. Any ideas to check with a multimeter? Thanks!!!

Found one error in my testing. The yellow with black is not supposed to have power it is a grounding kill switch. Checked continuity with switch on and off. Does as it should. Open when on grounded when off. power pack side is not grounded. Not real familiar with CD ignition but all the coils have zero ohms to ground on the primary side. I take it that it is reverse of a points system. Add and take away power to make spark instead of switching ground. No shorts to ground on the wires going from power pack to stator/charge coils. Coils ohm out with in spec. This is driving me nuts!!


Jun 25, 2012
Re: No spark on 1977 Johnson 175/200 V6

Well **** I accidentally fixed it. I was done for the night and put it all back together. Thought I would try it again. This time I noticed the tach was reading cranking RPM. Don't think it was before, Not sure. Gave the fuel bulb a squeeze or two and it popped off and ran beautiful. Ran for a few minutes, shut it off and let it sit for a few and retried hot. Did not even get the key stroke all the way to start before it popped right off. Hoping it was a bad connection that was fixed with all disconnecting and moving. Will wiggle test maybe tomorrow.