sorry to double post this topic but i really need to try something to save my vaction thurs. i reversed the battery cables on my '95 115 h.p. merc and now have no spark, motor will crank still. the boat is at a mechanic who was suppose to test and tell me what i would need. he said it could be the trigger, the switchbox or the rectifier. he is stalling on me and i cant get ahold of him. ive got part numbers and have a source that will ship them overnite delivery. ive got to order them tommorow at the latest to get them by thursday. i cant wait on the mechanic anymore. does anyone know what it USUALLY blows when you reverse the cables. should i get the switchbox and rectifier or anything else. is there an easy way to test the switchbox. switchbox is the most expensive part -$250, ican get used for $95. would you trust a used swichbox. Also does the trigger usually get damaged, it would be the most time consuming to replace. any advice would be greatly appeciated