No spark 1975 25 hp


Feb 17, 2009
Being an old Evinrude fan and not being able to resist a mechanical challenge, I rescued two old evinrudes from the junk pile today. Unfortunately, no titles so both are difficult to sell in my home state. Although I have friends in other states who would like 'em if they was running.

1974 9.9hp, I lubed it up, gave it a shot of ether and it ran. So I feel pretty confident I can clean up the fuel system and get it going.

1975 25hp. This one looks pretty rough but has good compression. I filed the points and checked all the wiring, but am not getting a spark. What is my next step? Do I buy a condensor and/or magneto coil or whatever it is called under the flywheel? I didn't get a spark on either cylinder and made sure it wasn't a kill switch issue. I'm pretty handy but this is my first try at resurrecting a 1975 Evinrude.

Any help is appreciated. EDIT: No selling. JB

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Vice Admiral
Jun 18, 2006
Re: No spark 1975 25 hp

Those are two great finds! And both engines are popular and will sell well. We don't need title's here for engines... But am kinda far away! A running 9.9 up here will get $500 at least.

Chances are in the 25 that the coils are shot if you have checked all else. do they look old and cracked? There is a section here under FAQ's about reviving a dead engine... Start there with the basic checks.


Feb 17, 2009
Re: No spark 1975 25 hp

I guess it didn't occur to me that BOTH the coils on the 25 could be dead, so I was thinking condensor or magneto.

I got the 9.9 running on gasoline/oil mix, but it won't idle. I found someone who wants it bad, so I'll let him figure it out. It just needs some adjustement.
