NO haircut while at Dads -Whats the excuse NOW?????

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
Here a good one.. My son goes to Fergus falls,MN area. Some little town area to spend the summer with his dad. Now I always have him get a haircut before going and always ask to please keep it up. He stayed for 7weeks,he came back and When I went looking for him in th airport, I walked right by him.. Of course he yelled Hay, Mom... I couldn't believe it. He grew and so did his hair.. I was shocked also to see the clothes he was wearing.. Baggy pants and a not so clean t-shirt with writing on it.. Plus the smell of cig. smoke was filling the area.. Not that he smokes, but his dad and girlfriend are chain smokers..YEK...<br />On the way home I asked him about his hair and why he didn't get it cut... This is what he told me.. There is a lady that owns the one and only hair cutting place in town.. While she was cutting someone hair the roof(ceiling) caved in and killed her. Now I'm like right, come on don't yank my chain, son .. No mom its true.. I said then go to someone else and get it cut.. apperently she was the only one in this little town and the next town was X-miles away.. I even made a phone call to his dads and asked him too.. To prove this was a lie of some sort I called the little store there and ask the first person about the haircut shop.. Well it was true.. Egg on my face and an apolagy later.. Now this happened over 5 yrs ago. I think it caved in because of the snow.. The cave in killed her and the person she was cutting hair... I felt really bad about that... That must of made the headlines.. Does any body in that area remember this happening..


Jan 6, 2002
Re: NO haircut while at Dads -Whats the excuse NOW?????

Not from around that area so I dont know....there a point to this, Ms Dee?

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
Re: NO haircut while at Dads -Whats the excuse NOW?????

Ya, It sounded so crazy to hear, that I thought my son was lying to me.. <br />Well I forgot to mention that everytime he goes to dads house, he comes back with long hair and so I gave him 20 bucks to make sure the hair was kept up.. He still had the 20 when he came back..


Jan 6, 2002
Re: NO haircut while at Dads -Whats the excuse NOW?????

Let him get it cut when he gets back to you. Pretty obvious his father doesn't care wheather its long or not. I guess whose ever roof he's under is whose rules he's going to play by. Like you, I make my boy keep his hair cut AND he does he just doesn't generally get as much cut off as I would like for him to but thats ok too cause theres a WHOLE LOT worse that he could be doing other than wearin his hair a little long.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 12, 2004
Re: NO haircut while at Dads -Whats the excuse NOW?????

A cave in from snow in the summer :confused:


Jul 31, 2002
Re: NO haircut while at Dads -Whats the excuse NOW?????

she didn't say the cave in happened while he was there....only that it could have happened over the winter and they hadn't had time to train another hair-dresser! :D


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2004
Re: NO haircut while at Dads -Whats the excuse NOW?????

What's wrong with longer hair if it is kept clean and combed?


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 1, 2003
Re: NO haircut while at Dads -Whats the excuse NOW?????

Somtimes the truth is stranger than fiction...Run with it.<br /><br />I don't recall the story but snow does occasionally cause a death or two here and is proabaly not a real newsmaker other than in the imediate FF area.<br /><br />It's either that or the whole town is conspiring against you....


Jul 31, 2002
Re: NO haircut while at Dads -Whats the excuse NOW?????

We had a bad icestorm here over the weekend....I opened the freezer and the metal rod that goes up to turn the ice maker off when the ice is full didn't turn it off, so I had ice everywhere (that's about as bad of an icestorm we see in these parts) :D


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: NO haircut while at Dads -Whats the excuse NOW?????

Get a haircut HIPPY! :D <br /><br />Ken

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
Re: NO haircut while at Dads -Whats the excuse NOW?????

Ya , your right, Rules I do have tougher rules, than dads house. He was about 10yrs old when I stopped making excuse's for his dad.. You know things like, no phone calls, doesn't write, no x-mas gifts, doesn't pay child support, Not even a happy birthday sometimes.. I even mailed a gift one year when he was seven saying it was from his dad.. Just so I didn't have to keep watching him check the mail box every day.. It made me cry to see his face when there wasn't anything for him.. Well for the last 4 yrs I have stopped blinding him from disappointment and trying not to give out lies or excuse's to protect the real truth. I don't have to say anything bad about his dad, dad does it on his own with the help of girlfreind.. Let me see the last time we adults had words this came out of her mouth.. "We have bills and they come first, if there is anything left we may send you some.." I told her this in reply.. You won't have to worry about bills when daddy is sitting in jail.. So far my boy has made up his own mind to stop telling me about how he wants to live with dad thing.. He got a brand new bike that I paid for,I let him take it to Oregon and they kept it.. They played a pitty trip on me and I played sheriff on them..I got the boy back, but they kepted the bike... Its been 8 weeks and still no bike from them two.. I even offered to pay COD for delivery.. I think this really didn't settle to good with him and no excuse's to be had out of my mouth.. I had to pony up another 100 dollar bike last week... Yep me... But you know if it showed anything to the fact of learning a lesson.. My son just took another step into knowing what it takes to be a man..

Barbee Q

Chief Petty Officer
Sep 18, 2005
Re: NO haircut while at Dads -Whats the excuse NOW?????

Originally posted by cntrydude:<br /> A cave in from snow in the summer :confused:
It caved in before summer, I think late spring.. Sorry I should of been more clearer..