No fishing just alot of yard work?

Sep 17, 2007
Well, i gave up my summer last year, to do my now ex hubby's home. $450 dollars later in yard, $300.00 in gas and 2 stupid dogs the yard still looks like a mess. Still no proper dog run and still no fishing in the lake. Waters gone and the summer is over. So I am just spending time watching the boats come in and the sun going down. Lets just say there was no catch today. Well yep I am going to be one boring Barbie this winter if I don't get out to the lake. I won't sink my boat, but I may cause a scene or two. If anything I'll probable break down again and be hanging off the back of the boat with some cioce thoughts. By the way it rained here and still no fish............ Get the crying towel out becuase it going to be a bumpy winter. Well maybe not, I am going fishing on friday just got the call.
Bye, bye
Take care


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 29, 2003
Re: No fishing just alot of yard work?

Good luck BBQ, keep yer bait wet.


May 17, 2001
Re: No fishing just alot of yard work?

I'm on the same dry boat here as well. Money and youngster problems part of the reason. This is the first year in 20 years I haven't got a fishing license and been on the water. The boat is still winterized from last year. At least I did get a lot done to the house and property. I feel as if my sanity is being compromised from my normal form of recreation. Yep, I miss the insanity at the boat ramp and docks. If all goes well, next season will get my moral back up and the boat wet on the bottom.

One way my wife and I have used the time we would be boating is to visit nurising homes. One guy that is 92 has some great stories of his boating days. I would have never thought that I would enjoy that kind of company, but I do find it intresting and it brings lots of smiles and happiness to those we visit. It is sad however when you get to their room to only find out that they are no longer with us. What I have learned from most of them is that life is really to short and you should enjoy it while you have it. Doing these visits sure does remove the excuse of being bored for us.

Good Luck and keep your toes out from under the mower :D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 14, 2007
Re: No fishing just alot of yard work?

Barbie/Mayfloat, Until two years ago, my idea of fishing was hiking in to a cold, rapids-filled stream with my waders and 9' fly rod to test the latest fly-tying results on rainbows, browns and brookies. I probably could have lived out my life following that simple pattern...but life IS short and we don't always control our fate. In November '05, my kidneys failed, and I'm on dialysis awaiting a transplant. Since then my strength and endurance have dwindled, so hiking has gone by the wayside (along with most every vice I ever had). So this year I bought a boat (first one for a 57-year old) 'cause it doesn't take a lot of effort to putt around the lake feeding worms to the fish. Point is: there are many other things I probably should be taking care of - house, cars, garden, etc. - but LIFE IS SHORT and I may not have many more chances to go fishing. Winter is approaching quickly enough, so until the boat has to come out, I'm going fishing at every opportunity. The other stuff will be there after I'm gone, and who knows, maybe there's a well-stocked trout pond in the afterlife. Moral of the story: "Do what you have to do, but be sure you make time to do what you WANT to do, as well. LIFE IS SHORT!.:)


Apr 10, 2005
Re: No fishing just alot of yard work?

I guess that pretty well puts our little feuds, and political spats, in perspective doesn?t it? Keep the lines in the water mainexile.;)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 7, 2005
Re: No fishing just alot of yard work?

My dad is 63 years old and last year he said only thing he would do different with his life was have more fun when he was younger. Mom and I got him a boat lift at the lake a month ago so he can take the grand kids out more.


Feb 8, 2004
Re: No fishing just alot of yard work?

The h#ll with the yard and house work. Go fishin!! That stuff will still be there when you get back but that big fish you may catch might not be. LOL