Hi. I should have posted a question to the experts a week ago to possibly avoid my present situation but took motor out one last time while waiting for service manual Now have a broken crankcase ,connecting rod, slightly scratched piston cylinder and scratched/pitted camshaft.I love the motor and would like to keep it if cost not too excessive
Is it possible/reasonable to take the case to a skilled aluminum welder to fix or do i really need a new crank case? I have the piece(about 1/3/4 inches in length) that was broken but there is another crack to the left of the hole. Is it possible to just buy a crank case somewhere or do you need to buy the case and cylinder? I see around 700 for both
The piston cylinder has small visible scratches on the right very near the cam side which i cannot feel when i run my finger over them. The scratches on the camshaft i can feel. They are under where the connecting rod cap was. Is it necessary or as simple as honing the cylinder or would it be okay leave as is. How about the cam? Sand and polish?
Finally, my original problem was the motor would sometimes bog down when tryingto increase speed after idling at low speed for a while in neutral or forward gear. If i would stop the motor and restart and rapidly go forward and increase speed no issues. This started a few weeks ago, Though I had fuel problem ,always empty carb after every use, and was getting the service manual to clean/rebuild.
Yesterday No problem with the idling to higher speed but once lost power while at higher speed and regained when slowing throttle and i could increase speed again with no problem. still thought fuel/carb problem. Then while at moderately high speed heard engine revving and rod broke. is it obvious that is is not fuel as the cause or highly likely something else? Valve? I did notice the color variation of the valves in the cylinders. If i do go through the cost and trouble to fix damage without fixing underlying problem
Thanks for taking the time to read and help. My friend has also received help from this forum and sent me here.

Is it possible/reasonable to take the case to a skilled aluminum welder to fix or do i really need a new crank case? I have the piece(about 1/3/4 inches in length) that was broken but there is another crack to the left of the hole. Is it possible to just buy a crank case somewhere or do you need to buy the case and cylinder? I see around 700 for both
The piston cylinder has small visible scratches on the right very near the cam side which i cannot feel when i run my finger over them. The scratches on the camshaft i can feel. They are under where the connecting rod cap was. Is it necessary or as simple as honing the cylinder or would it be okay leave as is. How about the cam? Sand and polish?
Finally, my original problem was the motor would sometimes bog down when tryingto increase speed after idling at low speed for a while in neutral or forward gear. If i would stop the motor and restart and rapidly go forward and increase speed no issues. This started a few weeks ago, Though I had fuel problem ,always empty carb after every use, and was getting the service manual to clean/rebuild.
Yesterday No problem with the idling to higher speed but once lost power while at higher speed and regained when slowing throttle and i could increase speed again with no problem. still thought fuel/carb problem. Then while at moderately high speed heard engine revving and rod broke. is it obvious that is is not fuel as the cause or highly likely something else? Valve? I did notice the color variation of the valves in the cylinders. If i do go through the cost and trouble to fix damage without fixing underlying problem
Thanks for taking the time to read and help. My friend has also received help from this forum and sent me here.