I have a nissan 9.9 hp outboard which had ignition problems dating back 6 months ago when I noticed that the motor would not start. However after some troubleshooting it came back to life. It would then intermittently start when it wanted to. I thought that maybe it could be condensation build up in the wiring or in the connections, I proceeded to clean all ground terminals and use di-electric grease on all connections. The motor still wouldn't start however after a few days of idle sit, it would fire right up. It ran fine for a few weeks then all of a sudden once again, nothing. I thought it may be the coil pack that failed and I sprung for a new one installed it and nothing. My brother in law and I decided to trouble shoot the magneto and we saw no signs of corrosion so we buttoned it up and tested the spark, still nothing. After a few pulls we noticed a spark and threw it back together, it started right up. Long story short, after many hours of messing with it and back and forth troubleshooting it ended up having to be towed out of the water at the end of the season without being flushed because it just wouldnt spark at all and still wont. I am convinced that it is the CDI unit but dont want to impulsively buy a $200 part just to not be able to return, if that isnt the problem. Has any one faced a similar situation? :facepalm: