I just got a new Nissan 6HP 4 stroke short shaft I use on a Porta-Bote. 13.5 mph with just me, 8mph with my wife too. I've completed the breakin process and have a few problems to share. Any ideas would be appreciated.<br /><br />I live and boat at or above 4000 feet.<br /><br />Motor will only start (hot or cold) with choke out<br /><br />Idle speed is fast. Had to adjust up to keep engine from dying. Too fast for good trolling.<br /><br />Engine was run at WOT for about 10 minutes then died. I don't mean slowed and quit, I mean STOPPED cold! Checked tank vent, fuel hose, connectors, all good. Squeezed primer bulb a few times, choked, and it restarted and ran OK.<br /><br />Engine will begin to surge. Squeeze primer bulb and it smooths right out.<br /><br />Fuel tank cap leaks. Looks like gasket has a flaw.<br /><br />Motor looks to be nicely made, sure hope I can get these issues resolved!