Re: Nissan 5HP NS5B
Giorgio, you should have water coming from the exhaust port on the back of the motor shaft and the tell-tale squirter on the side of the shaft. If you aren't getting any water, you will overheat your motor and risk serious damage.<br /><br />First check for any blockage in the tell-tale hole - a wire coat hanger or similar item works well for this. If you find nothing there, chances are it is your impeller or a stuck thermostat. The impeller is relatively easy to replace and you can order a replacement kit for around $50 for most smaller engines. I personally have never messed with a thermostat, but from what I have heard it isn't a terrible job either.<br /><br />Get a manual and start reading so you can take care of your motor. Otherwise there are many dealers and repairmen out there that will a fee.