Nissan 3.5hp gear shift problem


Jul 12, 2006
Hi I am new to this forum and have a problem with an outboard engine I am hoping people can help me with.

I have a 2004 3.5hp, 2 stroke Nissan outboard and have recently came across the problm of the engine refusing to shift from neutral to forward. The engine starts up fine and for all intents and purposes runs fine. The problem is that when shifting to forward, there is no tell tale sound that the shift has occured - the prop does tend to move ever so slightly but only a quarter rotation or so. I stopped the engine in gear the last time I used it but can't see why this would be the culprit.

I have had some suggestions to try and fix this:
1. Try and restart the engine in gear to see what happens (will try this tonight).
2. Remove the split pin on the prop (which is in place) and inpsect the second shear pin (not sure where this is but will give it a go). I guess if the shear pin has sheared then that would explain the fault.

There is a possibility that the engine could have been hit by one of my neighbors at the marina - its a tight marina - but I see no physical signs of this.

other than these two suggestions, does anyone else have an idea on what could've gone wrong?


Jul 22, 2004
Re: Nissan 3.5hp gear shift problem

If the engine rev's up when you are in forawrd gear and you aren't moving then you have sheared a pin.