I recently picked up a 2.5 nissan. I dont know the year but its grey and does not look too old. First I dont know what the oil mix should be but I used 50 to 1 just to start it and check it out. I ran it for a minute or two and it started right up but ran a little rough. kind of a ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka? Thats the best I can do to explain it but it just seemed rough. It is a world better than my (two) old johnsons but I think I could improve it with your help. Any suggestion? I really only ran it for a very short time in a bucket just to check it out and when I get into it again maybe I will know a bit better what to look listen for. To start with is that the right fuel mix?
Thank you
David B
I recently picked up a 2.5 nissan. I dont know the year but its grey and does not look too old. First I dont know what the oil mix should be but I used 50 to 1 just to start it and check it out. I ran it for a minute or two and it started right up but ran a little rough. kind of a ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka-ka? Thats the best I can do to explain it but it just seemed rough. It is a world better than my (two) old johnsons but I think I could improve it with your help. Any suggestion? I really only ran it for a very short time in a bucket just to check it out and when I get into it again maybe I will know a bit better what to look listen for. To start with is that the right fuel mix?
Thank you
David B