Nissan 1992 9.8 cooling temperature ranges?


Nov 3, 2011
I have a 1992 9.8hp which I recently changed the water pump and thermostat on. Running it with water ears the idle temp on the head reaches to 230 degrees. Once you increase RPMs it cools down to 170 degrees. Good water flow on the **** tube

When its in the water its runs fine with no noticable temperature issues. I am beginning to think that the cooling ears (only one side feed) may be the issue when flushing it out

Does anyone know the operating temperature ranges?


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 23, 2013
cooling ears or "muffs" dont work to well on anything smaller then a 30hp... use a 55 gallon drum, rubermaid trashcan, or something similar to run in. the temps should return to normal. also when the motor idles theirs less water going through the motor then at higher rpms.

Sea Rider

Supreme Mariner
Sep 20, 2008
Not an issue if water pump and thermo are doing their homework, the temp difference is due to side muffs are losing great amount of water when flushing and that accounts for higher temp issues. If that engine has a third water intake under AV plate, worst increased water loss.

If plan keep using ear muffs, this procedure will help better water pressure up tail, if counting with a third water intake under AC plate, seal it with duct tape, must be completely dry before tapping intake.

Happy Boating
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