New York over-reacting?


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2004
Just read on my local ISP newspage that after the threat to the New York subway system, the city placed thousands of uniformed officers in the subways for security. <br />Security officials in Washington have said that the city over-reacted to the threat.<br /><br />Will nothing please these people? If they had not added extra security and something happened then what? <br /><br />So they paid out a lot of extra money in overtime, but people on the subways had said they feel safe because the police have it under control. <br /><br />Police and city officials have said that in light of the recent train station attacks overseas, they added the extra security. They stated they would rather over-react than not do everything to protect their citizens.<br /><br />My opinion, we have been thrown into a new world for this country. We have finally joined the rest of the world with the terrorists. It is time we all learn to get rid of these petty arguements and stop trying to use the terror reactions for political gain. We will never be able to defeat our enemies until we learn to stand and work together as one like we should be doing.


Re: New York over-reacting?

We will never be able to defeat our enemies until we learn to stand and work together as one like we should be doing.<br />
A true statement.<br /><br />We're so danged guilt ridden that we might offend somebody, we let the terrorists move around amongst us.<br /><br />I'm not sure what posting Police Officers in the subway would do, other than put them in harms way if something did happen. If they were indeed searching "suspects", then yes, it would have been worthwhile.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: New York over-reacting?

It's a tough call.<br /><br />I think the increased security presense is certainly understandable, but the authorities have to be careful to phrase the warning so that it is put in some perspective. <br /><br />I'm not sure the added security is all that effective, but assuming the tactics used are not too strong-armed, they probably can't cause too much harm.<br /><br />The reality is in a free and open society, if a terrorist wants to plant a bomb on the subway, chances are they can succeed, and the public in general faces a bigger risk getting run over by a NYC cabbie than getting killed by a bomb.<br /><br />That's not to say we should ignore the threat, but only that we should attempt to not be consumed by fear of it.<br /><br />Again, it is a tough call sometimes.


Aug 14, 2004
Re: New York over-reacting?

Someway, somehow, somebody is going to blame George Bush.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 19, 2004
Re: New York over-reacting?

I'll throw out another problem. The difficulty some people have in distinguishing rational, REASONABLE actions before an event vs. monday morning quarterbacking after an event occurs. <br /><br />This perpetuates a c.y.a. attitude that can be extremmely costly and inefficient.


Re: New York over-reacting?

KaGee wrote:<br /><br />
Someway, somehow, somebody is going to blame George Bush.<br />
Boy, are you right about that. He inhereted this mess from former admin's that did NOTHING.<br /><br />PW2 Wrote:<br /><br />
The reality is in a free and open society, if a terrorist wants to plant a bomb on the subway, chances are they can succeed, and the public in general faces a bigger risk getting run over by a NYC cabbie than getting killed by a bomb.
Indeed, that is a reality. The trouble is that we WILL NOT profile the offenders, nor will we check our borders.<br /><br />Only we, are to blame for letting this happen. It's our apathy that causes this. If we were diligent, it would be rare.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: New York over-reacting?

I think the cost is well worth it to remind us that there is still a War on Terror going on.<br /><br />Ken


Re: New York over-reacting?

Ken wrote:<br /><br />
I think the cost is well worth it to remind us that there is still a War on Terror going on.<br /><br />
Agreed. One day we will "wake up" as a society/Nation and NOT put up with this garbage we are being handed.<br /><br />GWB will be vindicated, much to he consternation of the "haters".


Seaman Apprentice
Sep 25, 2005
Re: New York over-reacting?

here in London the nutters failed miserably if they think they were gonna cause some panic or whatever. Frightening to think that there are bigots about prepared to kill ordinary normal people to prove their perverse beliefs. OOps forgot; it aint the bigots that are doin the killing ; its the people they manage to brainwash. Bigots go free! funny old world