New to iboat


Apr 28, 2007
Actually i'm new to boating period, i've only been on a bout once and noone in my family knows anything about boats. My name is Joe, i'm getting married next saturday and my uncle is giving me a 14-16 aluminum boat as a wedding gift. He bought it about 5 yrs ago with no background info and it has been sitting up since then. It has an old Johnson 9.9hp that hasnt ran in since he had it.

Is there a beginners boating section where I can learn the basics on boating?


Jun 30, 2004
Re: New to iboat

you could take some boating saftey classes thru the united state power squadron or us coatgaurd aux. or if ya google boating safety there are a few corses on line. i don't know where though......


Mar 22, 2006
Re: New to iboat

Welcome to iboats!

The forums here will be very useful as you start the repairs on the outboard. The Power Squadron is a good place to get some tips. The 14' with a 9.9 will be good for getting familiar with being on the water. Beware though, you will soon be aching for more HP!​


Apr 28, 2007
Re: New to iboat

thanks for the suggestions. I just came back from looking at the boat myself and my uncle was wrong. The boat is a 10ft and the motor says Johnson on it, but it also says Colt. It may be a 2hp, a 5hp at the most. The tongue on the trailer has a rust hole the size of a baseball, the were rusted bolts and the tires look bad.

Is it worth putting money into this(if so wat size motor would be best), or should i do as my wife wants and finance 3k for something better?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: New to iboat

it's a little creek, small lake fishing boat. it could be a lot of fun. if you have a pick up truck. it's one of those you just throw in the back with the motor. great for fishing those inaccessable little ponds, where that big bass has live for the last ten years. they were also called car toppers, throw up on some roof racks.


Apr 28, 2007
Re: New to iboat

with me living in tampa bay,florida i'm looking for something i can go around the bays with. not too far off land, just far enough out to get better fishing than the seawall as i'm used to. will this boat be ok for intercostal area and around the bridges?


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: New to iboat

V-hull (pointed in the front or a jon boat with a straight across front? Those small boats are great. You just have to be very aware of waves and wakes.

I would stay on ponds and small lakes until I was used to it before I took it out in rougher water.

The Colt is a 1.2hp outboard which is great to putt along with (just enought to overcome the tidal flow) and is gentle on gas.

Don't fear the trailer condition..... all repairable.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: New to iboat

knowing the area around Tampa, St.Pete, in the canals, and small bays OK. getting it the big water, No. The better part of the bay and basins are shallow, and they get rough with just a little wind. around the bridges, and a rude cruiser comes thru, your in trouble. get the boat, play around with it there is a lot of small water in the area with good fishing. the little channels thru the neighborhoods, around the docks. etc. get your feet wet. then you will have a better idea of what you really want. $3000 is not going to get a whole lot. but you are in a good area for used boats.


Apr 28, 2007
Re: New to iboat

thanks for the info bob, its a v-hull boat. Shouldnt i get something bigger than the 1.2hp motor? Like Tas. says the areas i'll be in will be smaller ones but i dont want to take for ever getting there or strain the motor because i underpowered the boat.


Mar 22, 2006
Re: New to iboat

I live in Saint Petersburg and boat in Tampa Bay regularly. You cannot take that boat very far into the bay. There are backwaters around the area that would be fine; that boat would be great for some fishing in the mangroves.

Tampa Bay can be really rough sometimes and the summer storms move in quickly and turn what looks like a big lake into what looks like a rough ocean in minutes. I get pounded occasionally in a 19' Center Console with a 150; that little motor would probably not keep your bow pointed right let alone get you to a cove. Like Tashasdaddy said, the wake of some of the boats going by could swamp you in seconds. There are several lakes in this area, and the mangrove stands in some of the bayous around here would be great for that little boat. If you plan on going out into the bay, you're going to want at least a 17'er with a 70 or better outboard. We got some wind today and there was a guy in a small flat-bottom with a 55HP who was a little further out than what was comfortable for him; I slowed down and let him get in my wake until he got into a little flatter water closer to land. He was getting the crap pounded out of him and with the wind, he was getting pretty drenched.

I've seen lots of little 17' fishing rigs around here with 3 cylinder 'rudes on them. That is an easy outboard to work on and great for learning. With a nice vee-hull and that size motor you can venture a little way into the bay on a calm day. Lots of these boats are in the 3-4K range around here. For a much bigger 18' or 20' with a 90HP or better you can expect to start at 5K and go up.

Take the time to really study the maps and channel markers around here, you can be in 40' of water in one minute and 18" the next second. Lots of beautiful places to get to by water. Where do you live?​