New shiny bits


Chief Petty Officer
Dec 11, 2010
Hi All

Just FYI, I did some shopping around on ebay after a referal from another member re:waterpump ( new $55USD) cheaper than $300AUD!! Anyhow, bought a used exhaust plate/manifold, and am keenly looking around for parts. If you dig deep enough, parts are plentyful, even when you add international postage, I am stockpiling some parts ' just in case'..... Any suggestions as to what to snap up should the opportunity present itself?

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: New shiny bits

Lower units, power trim (including the transom clamps), and ignition parts. Of course, a couple of props wouldn't hurt.

BTW: Old style Chrysler screw clamp transom clamps are better in that they don't corrode and split at the upper mounting bolt holes--there are none.

Unless you want to eventually repair Force engines, don't go too crazy with expense. Eventually, (especially if you boat in salt water) the engine will wear out and you will be left with extra parts.