Our flybridge display took a dump last week and since we don't really like the old stuff, are looking to replace it. I spent an hour and a half or so demo'ing the new touch screen combo unit e7D. I really liked it. It seems it would be about perfect for us. I can get into it fairly reasonably then expand later when I need to. (http://www.raymarine.com/ProductDetail.aspx?SITE=1&SECTION=2&PAGE=2027&PRODUCT=4382)
I though I'd mention it here to see if there is anybody that knows anything about it, good or bad, that I don't know.
It'll be on a Bertram 28 on the SE coast of Florida.
Thanks in advance,
I though I'd mention it here to see if there is anybody that knows anything about it, good or bad, that I don't know.
It'll be on a Bertram 28 on the SE coast of Florida.
Thanks in advance,