Re: New Prop now I have a Vibration!!!
You'd think that the Hustler alum prop would be pretty concentric, uniform or whatever since it came from an investment casting....I have one. But you might remove it and inspect your installation and the replaceable hub to insure that it is installed correctly and that it is manufactured correctly....brass hub centered in plastic, no deformities.
A way to check this could be to measure the tip distance of each blade with a measuring device to the ground while the boat is on the trailer and the outdrive is sitting vertical. The more accurate your instrument the better. This would/could tell you if the prop rotation is eccentric. If so, troubleshoot till you find the cause.
Also the local merc dealer uses 90 ft-lbs of torque on the prop nut and guys on here use 100. The high torque is required (I'm told) to get the hub properly mounted to the thrust washer that preceeds the prop on the propshaft.