Re: New Honda BF50 assistance please.
Thanks Hondon for your help.<br />The engine by its own model number indicate it is a jet ready BF50/35 (BF50A2SRJA). It is labeled "Jet". I signed a PDI form. I lowered the oil level myself before I even put it into the water.<br /><br />I have to qualify myself and it may lend some light on a possible diagnosis. Bear in mind I'm leaning in the same direction you have suggested. This very well could be a "condition" rather then a problem.<br />I'm a Master Auto Technician by trade for the last 30 years. For the last 15 years I've been a lead Mercedes Benz Tech for the local dealership.<br />I'm only mentioning this because I'm sure my engine doesn't have a hardpart defect and it's possible I'm being overly critical of my own equipment.<br /> I think that it is a combination of the proloned high RPM run with a sudden shutdown. Again, I was fishing for a common condition with other BF50/40 owners.<br />In retrospect, the condition I'm introducing this symptom isn't a likely scenario for most people. I.E., I can't imagine a propeller propelled outboard being run at high RPM and suddenly shutdown very often. I'm doing it to keep from settling into rocks in very skinnywater.<br />There are a few things I've considered. One is that the oil is pooling inside the valve cover. This isn't likely since this would cause smoking and excessive blowby at high RPM. Another is, with the increased manifold vacuum with sudden closing of the throttle, the crankcase ventilation dumps an abnormal amount of oil into the intake. Additionally, a paragraph in my owners manuel says,"If the throttle is suddenly closed after full throttle operation, engine speed may drop below the specified idle RPM, and that could activate the engine protection system momentarily." I'm shutting it down before the idle stabilizes. A clue, of sorts, to another "condition". Finally,the sudden shutdown is causing hotspots within the engine. <br />Then again, and this may be the most likely cause and correction. Find the deeper water to settle in, idle down for 30 seconds or so, then shutdown.<br />Since, I've come to realize you are a fellow professional and have likely stuck your neck out on this forum for a while, I feel confident I can trust your statement that you in fact haven't had complaints like mine with identical engines yourself. This leads me to believe the my own operating practices are causing the "condition".<br />Soon It will get its first oil change. 5-30 Redline synthetic will be in the crankcase. <br /><br />Thanks for your time and to this forum. I wish I could contribute more to this forum.<br />Good luck with the Salmon and throw a couple back for me. <br />Mike