New Forum - Stupid Human Tricks


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Jun 29, 1998
Bob_VT's thread in our boating section has collected such a great response of funny stories that we had to create a forum dedicated just to your boating/fishing mishaps. Enjoy and we look forward to reading your stories! ;)


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 1, 2001
Re: New Forum - Stupid Human Tricks

I don't know if this qualifies as a stupid trick or not but here goes.<br /><br />Back in the early seventies my father and I went to the local lake for a day of bass fishing. My brother was to meet us at the boat ramp before daylight with his jon boat. When we arrived my brother had already launched his boat and was stowing his gear and putting his life jacket on. <br /><br />My father and I started to put our rods in my fathers boat and make sure the plugs had be put in the proper place.<br /><br />My brother at this time fired up his 4hp McCulloch motor. (Yes they made an air cooled one) This thing would wake the dead 2 counties away. Anyway, my brother headed off into the darknes to our favorite spot and we continued our pre-launch activities.<br /><br />When the noise of the motor started to fade we noticed the noise of a drag clicking. There were some guys camping near the dock and the noise was coming from their boat. <br /><br />Not 20 seconds after we relaized what was going on a fella crated a new door in the tent near the boat. Just as he reached the bow we heard two thuds and a splash.<br /><br />He yeld out a few words about a monster fish and we didn't have the heart to tell him it was a 14 footer.


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 13, 2001
Re: New Forum - Stupid Human Tricks

Now that you're on the subject of creating new forams, what would be the best one questions on reading charts and navigation tips? <br /><br />I'm sure if I post the question here I'll get ripped apart... :p