Neutral Safety Switch


Mar 17, 2012
15 least I believe that's what it's called....takes the engine "out of gear"?
Since I got my gal running last night, it's a beautiful day here in North Texas, so I took her out, and my son tagged along. This was the first time I'd had her on the water.... For the most part she did great, I'd say that 8 of 10 times she cranked right up....
Only problem I had....and I have a couple questions about this-that neutral switch I am referencing.....this one seems to occasionally be hostile, as in: you pull it out to start it, and every once in a blue moon, the motor still won't turn over, as if it (switch) were still engaged. Now, back where it connects to the motor(just north of the fuel pump), I can pull the motor cover, "wiggle" that connection, and it seems to come back to life. Should I pull the connections loose there and clean them? Asking because I am not sure if this is a "sensitive" connection.
Other question: is that switch supposed to be so hard to pull out/push in? Mine seems to be. Does it need to be greased, or WD-40'd or something?
Since I'm starting a NEW thread, this is a 70 Chrysler, 55 HP, model 557HA, for those who don't recognize me from my first post.


Feb 18, 2009
Re: Neutral Safety Switch

You asked two questions. The first answer is "Well DUH". The second answer IMHO is spray silicone vs WD.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 2, 2011
Re: Neutral Safety Switch

Switch should be pretty stiff pulling out but should pop right back in when released. As for the switch under the cowling go head and clean as needed also check for loose or broken wires. Also make sure the throttle is contacting the switch properly so as to allow you to start in neutral. Go ahead and disconnect the battery cable before performing this work.


Jun 20, 2009
Re: Neutral Safety Switch

Jrc1971, I guess the pull/push question depends on the type of control since on my 1970 35HP Chrysler the control's arm does the pulling/pushing w/o any extra effort.

1. I have disassembled my control to cleaned and grease internal parts.

2. I have also cleaned and greased the tower shafts and cam that allows the neutral switch to be activated or etc..

3. Do you have one are two arms on your control unit/box? Is your pulling/pushing referring to an arm or what? jow